
Created by Ricardo Salveti and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~rsalveti/qtvideo-node/sync-vivid
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Branch information

Ricardo Salveti

Recent revisions

52. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2.1+14.10.20141022~rtm-0ubuntu1

51. By Jim Hodapp

Rotate the video 90 degrees and do an orthographic projection when necessary, otherwise render same as always. Fixes: 1191934
Approved by: Ricardo Salveti

50. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2.1+14.10.20140609-0ubuntu1

49. By Ricardo Mendoza

Adapt for Qt 5.3 plugin framework

48. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2.1+14.10.20140429-0ubuntu1

47. By Jim Hodapp

* Cleanup code for media-hub and merge with Qt5.2 upstream changes.
* Pass in a GLConsumer instance to update the rendered frame on.
* Add frame available listener callback.
* Add functionality to return a new texture-id when sent a blank frame with "GetTextureId" metadata.

46. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package qtvideo-node version 0.2.1+14.04.20140304-0ubuntu2

45. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2.1+14.04.20140304-0ubuntu1

44. By Ricardo Salveti

Initial Qt 5.2 support. Copy two header files from qtmultimedia private headers. Only use Qt Declarative private headers (quick-private) otherwise, and use version detection to support both 5.0 and 5.2.

Disable unit tests temporarily. Fixes: 1267818

43. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package qtvideo-node version 0.2.1+14.04.20131223.1-0ubuntu1

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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