- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~rhpot1991/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-lirc-generator
Branch merges
Recent revisions
- 61. By rhpot1991
* Converted package to dh7
* debian/control:
- Dropped cdbs build dependency
- Added mythbuntu-common build dependency
* core:
- Added ability to create multiple button configs
* irexec:
- Added power/clear configuration to restart any running frontends - 58. By Mario Limonciello
Map the 'back' key to the 'exit' function. Since it no longer breaks
stop, this should improve the usability of mceusb. - 57. By Mario Limonciello
Instead of mapping applications to buttons, map buttons to applications.
This should hopefully fix the fact taht we couldn't have two buttons
performing the same action. - 55. By Mario Limonciello
- Match new mythtvhandler buttons with the Sound graph remotes.
* mythtvhandler:
- Add support for the following buttons:
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)