
Created by Gayan Weerakutti and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~reversiblean/ubuntu/wily/sndfile-tools/fix-for-1394231
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Branch information

Gayan Weerakutti

Recent revisions

8. By Gayan Weerakutti <email address hidden>

debian/control: make fonts-dejavu-core a recommendations instead of
a dependency (Closes: #1394231)

7. By Steve Langasek

No-change rebuild against libjack-jackd2-0v5

6. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

debian/rules: Switch from autotools-dev to dh-autoreconf.

5. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

Ensure config.{sub,guess} up to date for new ports (Closes: #727971).

4. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

debian/control : Depend on fonts-dejavu-core instead of ttf-dejavu-core
(Closes: #736094).

3. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

* Ensure config.{sub,guess} up to date for new ports (Closes: #727971).
* debian/control
  - Standards version 3.9.5. No changes needed.
  - Remove DM-Upload-Allowed.
* debian/rules: Add hardening flags.

2. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

* debian/copyright
  - Make copyrights more explicit.

1. By Erik de Castro Lopo <email address hidden>

Import upstream version 1.03

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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