
Created by Douglas Cerna and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~replaceafill/ubuntu/trusty/schooltool/2.8_custom-css
Only Douglas Cerna can upload to this branch. If you are Douglas Cerna please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Douglas Cerna

Recent revisions

62. By Douglas Cerna

debian/patches/custom-css.patch: add directory for user customizable css resources

61. By Douglas Cerna

New upstream release.

60. By Douglas Cerna

New upstream release.

59. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream release.
* debian/patches/ckeditor4.patch: remove, fixed upstream.
* debian/copyright: add a section for included d3 javascript library.
* debian/missing-sources: add sources for included javascript libraries:
  - d3 2.9.7
  - jquery 1.7.1
  - jquery-scrollto 1.4.2
  - jquery-ui 1.8.18

58. By Gediminas Paulauskas

New upstream release.

57. By Gediminas Paulauskas

debian/patches/ckeditor4.patch: make compatible with CKEditor 4.x (LP: #1309133)

56. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream release.
  - Celery 3 support (LP: #1276384)
  - Switch to CKEditor (LP: #485898)
  - Fixed exception dates format in calendar widget of recurring events (LP: #372889)
  - Fixed export of deleted timetables (LP: #1281335)
  - Fixed term/section navigation in a different school year (LP: #1281050)
* debian/copyright: update, remove calwidget

55. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream bugfix release.
* debian/patches/evolve42.patch: remove, fixed upstream.

54. By Gediminas Paulauskas

debian/patches/evolve42.patch: add to fix upgrade of an empty DB from
2.6.0 to 2.6.1 (LP: #1258529)

53. By Gediminas Paulauskas

* New upstream micro release
  - Fix warning about unsaved changes in journal and cando (LP: #1253070)

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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