
Created by Mathias Gug and last modified
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Recent revisions

66. By C de-Avillez

openstack: initial merge from Chuck's branch

65. By C de-Avillez

sources-list.natty: default sources.list for natty
scp-uec.sh: updated to current needs

64. By C de-Avillez

correct location for create_config.sh

63. By C de-Avillez

create_config.py: creates a configuration file for UEC testing (including adding images)

62. By C de-Avillez

apt-upgrade.sh: helper script to upgrade all, or selected, machines in the test rig;\n get-logs-ebs.sh: helper script to collect logs of EBS testing;\n reboot.sh: helper script to reboot all (or selected) machines in the test rig

61. By C de-Avillez

uec_test.py: add debug for a deferred call error

60. By C de-Avillez

uec_test.py: multiple changes\n * add an initial 'ping' test\n * add a boot-failed status\n * be more aggressive on firing new instances (every 1-5 seconds, intead of every 5-10 seconds)\n * print out status table every 10 seconds\n * set default logging to debug\n thanks to Chris Grzegorczyk

59. By C de-Avillez

uec_instances.py: correct a loop geneerating console output

58. By C de-Avillez

uec_ebs.py: allocate /dev/sdb, not /dev/sdc

57. By C de-Avillez

get-logs.sh: correct parameter passing

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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