
Created by Thomas Karl Pietrowski and last modified
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Import details

Import Status: Suspended

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at https://github.com/gnustep/gnustep-opal.git.

Last successful import was .

Import started on juju-1e3bde-prod-lp-code-import-12 and finished taking 10 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 25 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 15 seconds — see the log
Import started on russkaya and finished taking 25 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

182. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Oapl: Add OPContextGetAlpha

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37181 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

181. By fredkiefer <fredkiefer@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

        * Source/OpalGraphics/CGBitmapContext.m:
        Support all sort of alpha for RGB data.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37168 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

180. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Opal: fix typos

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37160 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

179. By ivucica <ivucica@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Resilience to nil. Better diagnostics.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37143 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

178. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

* Source/OpalGraphics/CGContext.m (CGContextGetCTM): Fix flipping logic. gstate.m test now passes.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37133 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

177. By ivucica <ivucica@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Added gstate test. Currently this tests whether some CTM operations are correctly performed in a CGContext; namely, setting identity CTM, concatenating, and getting the current CTM.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37131 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

176. By ivucica <ivucica@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Made creation of OpalGStateSnapshot resistant to being passed a nil context.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37118 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

175. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

* Source/OpalGraphics/CGContext.m (opal_draw_surface_in_rect):
Use srcRect correctly, as well as the context alpha value.
* Tests/images.m: JPEG codec is broken, so use a png of the
world map to make the demo work.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37110 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

174. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Opal: image loading fixes

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37109 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

173. By ericwa <ericwa@72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521>

Opal: improve sub-image test

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/libs/opal/trunk@37107 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521

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