
Created by wichtel and last modified
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Branch information

Registry Administrators
DHIS 2 Academy

Recent revisions

5079. By wichtel

merge trunk into branch. Little modifications for better presentations of reports.

5078. By Lamisi Gurah Blackman

refactored utility class for shortening dates and orgunits

5077. By wichtel

Reorganization of the UI flow, according to Jo's wishes.

5076. By S M Saif Shams

added missing file 'convertMonthOfYear.java'

5075. By Lamisi Gurah Blackman

added a class that converts yyyy -> yy, strings acronyms and weekdays to ww.

5074. By S M Saif Shams

Change a period to shorter form (for example 'Jan to Mar 2010' to '01-03 2010'). With sufficient JUnit tests.
This implementation is without a property file.

5073. By wichtel

Because of massive problems with charts reverted to revision 5065 and included Not-Charts-Changes from revisions 5067, 5069, 5071.

5072. By wichtel

Problems during merge. Therefore reverted to revision 5069

5071. By wichtel

Added hint-message when marking reporttable as mobile, to inform user that more than 3 columns might not be rendered properly. Commented out some lines in GetChartAction.java which caused errors.

5070. By wichtel

merged other groups work

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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