
Created by Roberto Alsina and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-959447
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Branch information

Roberto Alsina
Ubuntu One Control Panel

Recent revisions

323. By Roberto Alsina


322. By Roberto Alsina

fix for the bug, but having trouble with a test

321. By Roberto Alsina

Use unicode as argument to CalculateSize (as IRL) and added test that fails as in bug 959447

320. By Roberto Alsina

link bug

319. By Roberto Alsina

 - Marked humanized units as translatable (Fixes LP:985333).

318. By Diego Sarmentero

- Checking that we are receiving the right argument type, or ignore it if it's not valid (LP: 995146).

317. By Roberto Alsina

 - Implemented UniqueApplication for Linux (Fixes LP:987909).

316. By Brian Curtin

- Prepend existing PYTHONPATH so tests work on Jenkins, which sets its own.

315. By Brian Curtin

- Make run-tests.bat work with the new buildout environment.

314. By Manuel de la Peña

- Fixed all those broken tests on windows related to the dirty reactor left the mocked webserver by using the new implementation from ubuntuone-dev-tools (LP: #960436).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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