Merge lp://staging/~rainct/libzeitgeist/986230 into lp://staging/libzeitgeist

Proposed by Siegfried Gevatter
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 237
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~rainct/libzeitgeist/986230
Merge into: lp://staging/libzeitgeist
Diff against target: 201 lines (+69/-10)
2 files modified (+1/-1)
src/zeitgeist-log.c (+68/-9)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~rainct/libzeitgeist/986230
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Michal Hruby (community) Needs Fixing
Review via email:
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238. By Siegfried Gevatter

Call callbacks with g_idle and properly free stuff.

Revision history for this message
Michal Hruby (mhr3) wrote :

There's still one issue left - if the cancellable is cancelled, _finish needs to throw IO_ERROR_CANCELLED even if it wanted to throw the log_error. Ideally we'd just use g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable, but that's available only from 2.32, so we need to implement it manually.

review: Needs Fixing
239. By Siegfried Gevatter

Return G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED when the cancellable is activated

We do this by abusing GSimpleAsyncResult to get a copy of the

Revision history for this message
Michal Hruby (mhr3) wrote :

Actually, looking at the non-trivial changes this requires, let's just bump the gio dependency and use the check_cancellable method.

240. By Siegfried Gevatter

So now we're gonna use g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable :)

Revision history for this message
Michal Hruby (mhr3) wrote :

To make sure this doesn't get lost: (from IRC)

- shouldn't you still check for log_error != NULL in the _finish methods?
- also log_error is not freed in finalize
- and if you use simple..._set_from_error, you don't need to copy it yourself

Revision history for this message
Michal Hruby (mhr3) wrote :

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