- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~radix/landscape-client/sysinfo-link-change
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 86. By Mathias Gug
* debian/control: fix bzr url
* debian/landscape- sysinfo. wrapper: print a timestamp before the sysinfo
data to ensure appropriate context (LP: #270862) - 85. By Mathias Gug
* New upstream version:
* Add ok-no-register option to landscape-config script to not fail if
dbus isn't started or landscape-client isn't running.
* lower timeout related to package management in landscape.
* debian/landscape- client. postinst: use ok-no-register option so that the
postinst script doesn't fail when run from the installer. (LP: #274573). - 82. By Mathias Gug
* debian/rules: Install an hourly cron job to update smart package data.
Thanks to Christopher Armstrong (LP: #268765).
* debian/control:
- Move ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
- Add VCS-* headers.
* debian/landscape- client. postrm:
- remove /etc/default/landscape- client when the package is purged.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)