Merge lp://staging/~racb/ubuntu-archive-tools/handle-packageset-deletions into lp://staging/ubuntu-archive-tools

Proposed by Robie Basak
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~racb/ubuntu-archive-tools/handle-packageset-deletions
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu-archive-tools
Diff against target: 161 lines (+80/-53)
1 file modified
packageset-report (+80/-53)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~racb/ubuntu-archive-tools/handle-packageset-deletions
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Package Archive Administrators Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

If a packageset is deleted, the corresponding file doesn't disappear from I can think of two approaches to fix this:

1) Adjust packageset-report to delete files not generated by its output. This is what this branch does. However, hypothetical users might find a tool that deletes things surprising, in which case you don't want this branch.

2) Adjust the cron job that calls packageset-report to delete or rename away the output directory first. But I don't have permission to make this adjustment myself, so if you don't like the former option, please could you fix this issue in the cronjob?

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Unmerged revisions

1458. By Robie Basak

Delete output from packagesets that are deleted

If a packageset is deleted, a subsequent run by this tool will retain
the output prior to that deletion in the target directory. This is
confusing, since the report output then implies that the packageset
still exists, when it doesn't.

Instead, explicitly delete output from inside that is not part of the
current report output.

1457. By Robie Basak

Factor out create_report()

Move this code into its own function to make future manipulation easier.

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