- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~qqworini/ubuntu-rssreader-app/gridview-dynamic-load
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 74. By Joey Chan
Grid view now loads articles dynamically, it loads few articles at startup, then loads another group of articles when reach the right edge
others: bit improvement of edit-topic and edit-feed, now the virtual keybroad will hide automatically
- 73. By Joey Chan
Grid view now loads articles dynamically, it loads few articles at startup, then loads another group of articles when reach the right edge
others: bit improvement of edit-topic and edit-feed, now the virtual keybroad will hide automatically
- 72. By Joey Chan
a new independent database created for setting, also a simple database updater implemented.
others: small improvement of edit-topic and article items
- 71. By Roman Shchekin
Little bugs related to article read/unread status are fixed.
Approved by Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot.
- 69. By Roman Shchekin
My speedups. I've got between 150 and 500 % performance improvement depending on amount of articles in Tab.
Approved by Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot.
- 68. By Joey Chan
add confirm/cancel buttons for edit topic. Fixes: https:/
/bugs.launchpad .net/bugs/ 1224881. Approved by Roman Shchekin, Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot.
- 67. By Nicholas Skaggs
Disable remove feed and try and work around https:/
/bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu- rssreader- app/+bug/ 1221893 for now. Approved by Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot.
- 66. By Roman Shchekin
"Saved" for list.
Bitesize bug fixes.Approved by Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)