This is a placeholder for the version of the Matthew Barnett Engine, where Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers, Variable-Length Look-Behind expressions, Reverse Searching, Positionally Dependant Flags, Negated Flags and Flagged Sub-Expressions and Capture Groups in Look-Behind assertions are supported. It is based off the work from Issue 3825.
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~pythonregexp2.7/python/issue2636-01+09-02+17+18+19+20+21+26
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 39052. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers, Matthew Barnett Engine, Variable Length Look-Behind, Reverse Match and Look Behind Capture Groups branch.
- 39051. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
A patch by Matthew Barnett on 2008-09-23 at 22:20 fixed a bug in how In-Line Flag sub-expressions are scoped.
- 39050. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
A patch by Matthew Barnett on 2008-09-23 at 20:37 to add support for Positionally Dependant In-Line Flags, negated In-Line Flags and In-Line Flag sub-expressions.
- 39049. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers, Matthew Barnett Engine, Variable Length Look-Behind, Reverse Match and Look Behind Capture Groups branch.
- 39048. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers, Matthew Barnett Engine, Variable Length Look-Behind and Reverse Match branch.
- 39047. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers and Matthew Barnett Engine branch.
- 39046. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers and Matthew Barnett Engine branch.
- 39045. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers branch.
- 39044. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the Variable-Length Look-Behind branch.
- 39043. By Jeffrey C. "The TimeHorse" Jacobs <email address hidden>
Merged in changes from the combined Atomic Grouping / Possessive Qualifiers and Matthew Barnett Engine branch.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 with rich root (needs bzr 1.0)