
Created by Barry Warsaw and last modified
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Branch information

Ubuntu Pythoneers

Recent revisions

16. By Barry Warsaw

No change rebuild for Python 2.7 LTS PPA.

15. By Barry Warsaw

No change rebuild for LTS PPA.

14. By Robert Collins

Fix deprecation warning in Pyrex/Compiler/Errors.py (LP: #379754)

13. By Evan Broder

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #371991), remaining changes:
  - Pass --install-layout=deb to setup.py so it doesn't install in /usr/local

12. By Evan Broder

* Pass --install-layout=deb to setup.py so it doesn't install in /usr/local (LP: #342936)
* Rebuild for Python 2.6 (LP: #342937)

11. By Marc Dequènes (Duck)

* NMU because maintainer is MIA.
* New upstream release fixing an integer indexing optimisation problem
  ( and contain this fix only, so this is safe for
  Lenny release) (Closes: #483035).

10. By Paul Brossier

* New upstream release.
* remove dh_python from debian/rules, add XB-Python-Version
  (closes: #460253)
* remove auto-mode-alist from debian/pyrex-mode.el (ubuntu #73904)
* add provide to debian/pyrex-mode.el (ubuntu #73903)
* debian/control: added Homepage field
* debian/rules, debian/control: add dpatch
* debian/patches: add hash patch, thanks to Jakub Wilk (closes: #469735)
* debian/control: drop Suggests: python-numeric (closes: #478455)
* debian/python-pyrex.doc-base: switch to section Programming/Pyrex
* debian/control: added fields Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Hg
* debian/control: fix typo python -> Python

9. By Michael Vogt

add missing C/R/P: python2.4-pyrex for the dapper->hardy
python transition (LP: #203524)

8. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild with recent python-central.

7. By Paul Brossier

* New upstream release (closes:#406025)
* Move python-all-dev to Build-Depends since python gets called in
* Delete empty usr/lib from python-pyrex
* Delete blank lines from debian/python-pyrex.doc-base
* Remove empty binary-arch target
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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