
Created by Barry Warsaw and last modified
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Ubuntu Pythoneers

Recent revisions

12. By Barry Warsaw

No change rebuild for Python 2.7 LTS PPA.

11. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

[ Carlos Galisteo ]
* Build with Python 2.6 (Closes: #527046) (Thanks to Alessio Treglia)
* debian/rules:
  - Include /usr/share/python/python.mk.
  - Add py_setup_install_args macro to setup.py install options.
* debian/control:
  - Set XS-Python-Version to all

10. By Alessio Treglia

* Build with Python 2.6:
  - debian/rules:
    + Include /usr/share/python/python.mk.
    + Add py_setup_install_args macro to setup.py install options.
  - debian/control:
    + Set XS-Python-Version to all.

9. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn

[ Carlos Galisteo ]
* debian/rules
  - dh_pysupport call moved (Closes: #516192)
  - --install-lib removed.
* debian/control
  - Using XS-Python-Version instead of pyversions.
  - Standards-Version updated to 3.8.1

8. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

[ Jan Dittberner ]
* add debian/README.source
* refreshed patches

[ Carlos Galisteo ]
* Added feedparser_utf8_decoding.patch (Closes: #500088). Thanks to David

7. By David Futcher

Add utf8_decoding.patch to stop errors to stop errors decoding feeds with
invalid characters (LP: #252506)

6. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

[ Carlos Galisteo ]
* New patch fixes errors parsing democracynow.org (and probably
  some others) feeds. Thanks to Thomas Perl for the patch and for the
  notice. Ubuntu bug #179208.

[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
  - Uniform Vcs-Browser field (points to trunk dir now)

[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Rename XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-* (dpkg supports them now)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3 (no changes needed)

5. By Emmet Hikory

[ Mario Bonino ]
* debian/patches/correct_content_type_mapping.patch:
  - patch to feedparser.py to do the correct content
    type mapping (LP: #179208)
    (patch from Thomas Perl)
* debian/control:
  - updated Maintainer field

[ Emmet Hikory ]
* Drop XS-Vcs-* from debian/control, as the packaging differs from the VCS

4. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

Added patch for fixing auth handlers. (Closes: #431564)

3. By Carlos Galisteo de Cabo

Fixed css link for *.html inside /doc. (Closes: #405343)

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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