Merge lp://staging/~psivaa/uci-engine/assignable-for-edit into lp://staging/uci-engine

Proposed by Para Siva
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~psivaa/uci-engine/assignable-for-edit
Merge into: lp://staging/uci-engine
Prerequisite: lp://staging/~joetalbott/uci-engine/add_ready_checkbox
Diff against target: 145 lines (+102/-1)
2 files modified
tests/ (+92/-0)
webui/tickets/static/tickets/webuiforms.js (+10/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~psivaa/uci-engine/assignable-for-edit
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Francis Ginther Needs Fixing
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2014-12-12.

Description of the change

Adding 'Ready to assign' to the edit form, following josepht's MP,

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Revision history for this message
Francis Ginther (fginther) wrote :

If a ticket is already marked as "ready to assign" and then edited again, the checkbox appears unset. As there is no way to go backward from "ready to assign" to not, the form should show that the option is set, but not allow it to be unset or just not display the option if it is set.

review: Needs Fixing
911. By Para Siva

Once a ticket is marked as ready to assign, no going back

912. By Para Siva

Adding test for not allowing to uncheck assignable

Revision history for this message
Para Siva (psivaa) wrote :

Thanks for the point, Francis. That has been fixed and a test to that effect is also added. Would appreciate a further look. Thanks

913. By Para Siva

Merging trunk

Unmerged revisions

913. By Para Siva

Merging trunk

912. By Para Siva

Adding test for not allowing to uncheck assignable

911. By Para Siva

Once a ticket is marked as ready to assign, no going back

910. By Para Siva

assignable checkbox for editing

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