
Created by Doug Torrance and last modified
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Doug Torrance

Recent revisions

26. By Doug Torrance

Added Unity Greeter icon. (LP: #1079925)

25. By Colin Watson

Build-depend/depend on libtiff-dev rather than libtiff4-dev.

24. By Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

* Hardened. debian/rules changed.
* DM-Upload-Allowed set.

23. By Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

* New upstream release 0.95.3
  * Removed debian/clean file. Upstream removes now the files.
* Bumped to standard version 3.9.3
* Important!: Removed symbol "W_DraggingInfo" in libwutil2 and
  libwings2, because the struct W_DraggingInfo is now declared
  as "typedef", therefore the struct is not included.
  This change is included in upstream, see line 126 of the file
* Patch 53_Debian_WMState.diff changed, because the WMState file
  in upstream is now different. Now, the dock launch WPrefs.
* Removed /etc/X11/WindowMaker files.
  * Removed from debian/wmaker-common.dirs
  * Removed (duplicated) files in debian/wmaker-common.install
  * New path for menu.hook: /usr/share/WindowMaker
    * Changed in the menu-method files (wmaker and wmappearance.
  * Removed menu.posthook and menu.prehook.
* Changed the menu behaviour. Applications/* contents moved to
  the root menu.

22. By Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

New upstream version 0.95.2 [Closes: #69669, #486542, #270877]
[Closes: #283240, #48550, #297019, #108432, #72917]

21. By Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)

* libpng12-dev dependencies changed to libpng-dev. [Closes: #648123]
* wterm package suggestion removed.
* Menu shows "Run..." option. [Closes: #165075]
  Thanks to Andreas Tscharner for their patch.
* Menu shows the background files [Closes: #655122]
  * Added patch 54_Debian_wmmacros.diff.
    Based on changelog: Marcelo E. Magallon Tue, 17 Nov 1998
* Xterm and WMPrefs are now Debian specific.
  * Added patch 53_Debian_WMState.diff.
    Based on changelog: Marcelo E. Magallon Sun, 26 Nov 2000

20. By Scott Howard

* QA upload.
* Set maintainer to QA team.
* debian/patches/90_binutils_gold.diff
  - Fix FTBFS from indirect linking to X11 in debian/control
    (Closes: #556677)
* Debian S-V 3.9.2, no changes

19. By Regis Boudin <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Stop shipping la files. Closes: #633289.
* Use dh_clean instead of dh_prep in the clean target to stop shipping
  temporary debhelper files.

18. By Angel Abad

debian/control: Build-Depends on automake instead of automake1.4 to
fix FTBFS (LP: #832765) (Closes: #641642)

17. By Steve Langasek

No-change rebuild to pick up multiarch .la files

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