
Created by Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„ and last modified
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Branch information

Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Recent revisions

11. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Back to yasm

10. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

source-subdir doesnt work with plugin nil it seems

9. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Turns out no-install isn't what I need

8. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Use new build-attributes syntax

7. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Put back libnuma dev package and suppress pulling libnuma1 in maybe

6. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Maybe switch to nasm as cmake couldnt find yasm

5. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Fix problem with syntax of yaml

4. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Avoid issue with duplicate libnuma

3. By Alan Pope 🍺🐧🐱 πŸ¦„

Attempt to build with kf5

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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