
Created by pjv and last modified
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Recent revisions

778. By pjv

Merged in ActionBarPoirot extraction.

777. By pjv

Debug version

776. By pjv

Remove keeping some classes from being optimized by proguard. Change onScanAddDebug and add lists of barcodes for screenshots.

775. By pjv

Fix ViewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener not available on API 15 or lower.

774. By pjv

Release version 0.8.0bzr gdiff! Extends versionlist and arrays. Keep a few more classes from being optimized for reflection usage.

773. By pjv

Defend against already pausing activity/fragment where we still want to show/close a panel. Show scan add action item in BookCollectionViewShelfFragment.

772. By pjv

Disable images for Discogs temporarily because API has been further limited.

771. By pjv

added too many files

770. By pjv

Had to split up some ItemScanAddTasks to fix barcode scanning.

769. By pjv

Fix barcode scanning for multi pane. Add panel_add stub to multi pane for now (later on only to collectionview?). Fix history for ItemAddActionProvider to work also internal to the app. Still need to fix it for same activities for multi pane. Disable scan add action item on Nexus 7 (no camera). Make sure there is only one scan add action item in the dropdown list. Use different history file names after all, even though open bug report at AOSP. Had to split up some ItemScanAddTasks to fix barcode scanning. Make most AsyncTasks work in parallel again on post-Honeycomb, by ConcurrentAsyncTaskVoidHelper class or inline. Carfeul with requestProgressBar. Readd delay onContentChanged on scan add, otherwise cd item does not appear. Reintroduce prepareDialog and there seem to be no disadvantages any more for which it was disabled. Except that the dialogs on rotation do not save their state.

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