
Created by Ken VanDine and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~phablet-team/libphonenumber/ubuntu
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Ubuntu Phablet Team

Recent revisions

764. By Ken VanDine

correct short name for the license

763. By Ken VanDine

Cleaned up copyright file an dep on debhelper 9

762. By Ken VanDine

refreshed symbols

761. By Ken VanDine

refreshed symbols files

760. By Ken VanDine

use split mode

759. By Ken VanDine

* New upstream version
* Add hash as diallable number
* No-change rebuild against new libicu
* New upstream version.
* Rename library packages (soname bump).
* Build with optimization again.
* Build Multi-Arch: same packages.
* Make the dev package depend on libprotobuf-dev.
* Rebuild against libprotobuf9.
* Build without -O3 on ppc64el.
* debian/rules:
  - never set INSTALL_PROGRAM+=-s; rely on dh_strip to strip
    the files only after install.
  - build with VERBOSE=1.
  - use dh build system args instead of overriding all of dh_auto_*.
* Bump to compat level 9, which enables dpkg-buildflags usage.
* Build without -O2 (which is consistent with previous builds), since
  enabling it causes ABI changes in the library.
* debian/*.symbols*:
  - Provide arch-specific symbol files for both architectures, enabling
    proper builds for both 64 and 32 bit systems
* debian/patches/fix_ftbfs.patch
  - Fix for FTBFS on i386 and armhf, patch from Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
* debian/control
  - build depend on ant-optional
  - Bump soname
  - split libgeocoding6 out into a separate package
  - bump standards version to 3.9.5
* debian/patches/boost_build_fix.patch
  - Fixed cpp library installation, patch from Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
* debian/source/format
  - Specify quilt
* debian/copyright
  - Updated all copyrights and licenses
* debian/patches/cpp_symbols_map.patch:
  - Add a symbols map file not to leak unnecessary C++ symbols
* debian/libphonenumber6.symbols, debian/libgeocoding6.symbols:
  - Add C++ symbols for libphonenumber.so.6 and libgeocoding.so.6
* Code changes:
 - Better support for detecting phone numbers in text that are beside each
 - Change to how Japanese numbers beginning with "00" are modelled, with the
   side-effect that the maximum possible number length has been extended by
 - Handle StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in the AsYouTypeFormatter when the
   national prefix that was extracted was not found in the prefix. This
   affected countries with very long carrier codes, such as Korea.
 - Removal of some of the author attributions - contributions to be tracked
   in CONTRIBUTORS file.
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s): AS, BR, KW, LU
  - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 1684 (en)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 352 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  883, BF, BJ, BW, CL, CR, DZ, FR, GD, IN, JP, MD, NG, NZ, PK, PL, SY,
  UY, VU
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): LV, MD
  - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 373 (en), 1473 (en)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
  48 (en), 49 (en), 91 (en), 92 (en), 213 (en), 226 (en), 229 (en),
  234 (en),
  267 (en), 389 (en), 506 (en), 598 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  BF, BH, BR, CN, GR, IN, MY, PA, TN, US
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): CN
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 1364 (en), 1725
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 86 (en)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
  55 (en), 226 (en), 973 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 255,
  27, 381, 506
  - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 43
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  AG, AI, AS, BB, BF, BM, BS, CA, CR, DM, DO, EC, GD, GU, JM, KN, KY,
  LC, MP,
  MS, PR, SO, SX, TC, TT, US, VC, VG, VI
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s): 226 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 505,
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  BF, CI, EG, EH, FJ, IN, KI, MA, MT, NG, NI, SI, SN, SR, TT
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): KI
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  27 (en), 226 (en), 1 (en)
  - New carrier data for country calling code(s): 356 (en), 677 (en)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
  212 (en), 221 (en), 225 (en), 226 (en), 234 (en), 597 (en), 1 (en)
* Code changes:
  - Adding support for numbers with multiple Italian leading zeros, by
    adding a field to the phone number proto to allow an arbitrary number of
    leading zeros, and supporting this when parsing, validating and
  - Adding more functionality to ShortNumberInfo -> such as
  - Fix for parsing short numbers that start with the national prefix.
  - Updating FormatNumberForMobileDialing to work with short numbers.
  - Stop finding Israeli 4-digit "star" numbers in text when no star is in
    fact present.
  - Bug fix for finding phone numbers where the area code was also part of
    the country calling code.
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  AU, BQ, BY, CI, CO, CW, GN, HN, IN, JO, KI, KW, MG, MK, MM, NA, PK,
  TC, TM,
  - New short number metadata for region code(s): CD, GN
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s):
  AF, AG, AI, AM, AR, AS, AW, AZ, BD, BH, BI, BM, BO, BQ, BT, BW, BY,
  CA, CH,
  CI, CM, CO, CW, DZ, FJ, GD, GE, GH, GT, GY, HN, HT, ID, IE, IM, IN,
  IQ, JM,
  JO, KE, KG, KH, KI, KW, KZ, LR, SV
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  257 (en), 389 (en), 599 (en), 686 (en), 962 (en)
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  264 (en), 375 (be, en, ru)
  - New carrier data for country calling code(s):
  375 (be, ru), 389 (en), 599 (en), 965 (ar)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
  57 (en), 61 (en), 92 (en), 225 (en), 256 (en), 257 (en), 261 (en),
  375 (en),
  686 (en), 962 (en), 965 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s):
  350, 358, 36, 66, 84, 94, 995
  - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s):
  31, 359, 372, 49, 62, 7
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  AR, BD, BE, BF, BR, CO, CR, FI, GI, GM, IS, MU
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s): AR, BE, ES, GI,
  PG, US
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 220 (en)
  - Updated carrier data for country calling code(s):
  20 (en), 220 (en), 224 (en), 230 (en), 852 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Adding a token to indicate which countries have mobile portability.
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 675
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
    AO, AU, BF, BW, CA, CH, CI, CN, DE, FR, MA, MR, MU, NI, PG, SA, SE, US,
  - New short number metadata for region code(s): IQ
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s):
    AU, BR, DO, EG, FR, GH, ID, IL, JM, KE, KZ, LR, MW, NG, NI, SA, SE, SL,
    TZ, US, UZ
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  966 (ar, en), 1 (en)
* Code changes:
 - Renamed ShortNumberUtil to ShortNumberInfo -> the former class is now
   deprecated and will be deleted in a later release. At the moment it just
   delegates to ShortNumberInfo.
 - New methods in the ShortNumberInfo API - isCarrierSpecific, singleton interface,
   isPossibleShortNumber, isValidShortNumber, getShortNumberCost. Note this
   is an experimental API at the moment and subject to change.
 - Bug fixes:
    -- AsYouTypeFormatting: 3-digit numbers can be formatted as a group
       where appropriate
    -- AsYouTypeFormatting: Countries with an optional national prefix were
       considered before to have always entered it, resulting in bugs where
       numbers without the national prefix were not properly formatted.
    -- Numbers in Chile that overlap with emergency numbers are no longer
       marked as connecting to them
    -- Not requiring the NDC to be alone for countries where there is no
       national prefix in strict grouping when extracting phone numbers
* Metadata changes:
 - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s):
   30, 31, 385, 58, 62, 63, 971, 972
 - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 43, 44, 49
 - Moved emergency phone number data to the ShortNumberMetadata.xml file
 - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
   AT, EG, ML, NC, NL, SA
 - New short number metadata for region code(s):
   AR, CL, CO, ES, MX, NC
 - Emergency metadata fixes for region code(s):
   GA, JM, MH, VE
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s):
  352, 359, 372, 373, 375, 595, 7, 855
  - Updated phone metadata for region code(s):
  AR, BF, BH, BR, BY, CH, CM, CN, GE, GW, HN, JM, KH, LT, LU, MU, NP,
  RO, SO
  - New short number metadata for region code(s): BR
  - Updated short number metadata for region code(s):
  CH, FJ, GB, GG, IM, IT, JE, SH
* Metadata changes:
 - Change to the way the metadata is built; now only parts of the proto that
   are relevant will be generated. This means short-code data won't be
   generated for the normal protos, and fixed-line data won't be generated
   for short-number protos. This cuts the metadata binary size approximately
   in half.
* Code changes:
  - Improve phone number extraction recall.
  - Add support for loading short number metadata.
* Metadata changes:
 - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 49, 61
 - New metadata for region code(s): TA
 - Updated metadata for region code(s):
   BF, BH, BI, BJ, BR, CR, EH, GA, GE, GN, GU, IL, IN, IR, KH, KW, KZ, MA, MT,
   NA, NE, NL, PH, RO, SH, SO, TK
 - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 47 (en), 82 (ar)
 - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
   49 (en), 98 (en, fa), 241 (en)
* Code changes:
 - Rename all instances of PhoneNumberMetadata to PhoneNumberMetadata for consistency.
* Code changes:
 - Fix for as-you-type-formatting bug affecting countries with no national prefix
   formatting rule, such as China.
* Metadata changes:
  - New alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 351
  - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 49
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  AS, BG, BH, BJ, BL, CD, CI, DE, DZ, EH, FJ, GF, GP, IN, KH, KZ, MA,
  MD, MF,
  ML, MY, NG, PT, PY, TC, TJ, TT
* Code changes:
  - Changed internal initialization code and made more fields final.
    Note that we now throw an exception if an attempt is made to set the
    metadata more than once (which should only happen during testing).
  - Fix problem with formatNumberForMobileDialing for HU and CL.
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated alternate formatting data for country calling code(s): 49
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  AM, BF, BR, CR, DE, MA, MG, MM, SA, TL, UA
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 374 (am, en,
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s): BF, GA, IN, KR, MV, PH, SO,
  UA, US
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s): BF, BH, CR, EC, IR, MG, PF,
  TD, TN
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 374 (am, ru)
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  98 (en, fa), 358 (en, se), 374 (en)
* Code changes:
  - Switch formatNumberForMobileDialing to prefer national format to international format when the
    number is dialed from the same region the phone number is from.
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  BF, CD, CN, CZ, GN, IR, JP, KR, KW, LR, NZ, TT, UG, ZW
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 82 (cs)
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  82 (en, fr, ko, zh, zh_Hant), 98 (en, fa), 263 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  BD, BE, BY, CA, EH, GR, IE, IN, IS, LI, MA, MU, PT, SE, SG, TL
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s):
  375 (be, en, ru), 1 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s): CN, DK, EH, GN, KH, KW, MA,
  MY, PA
* Code changes:
  - Handling UAN numbers in Argentina better when dialling them locally from a
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  BE, BW, CL, CN, CO, EH, KW, MA, ML, NG, PL, SY, ZA, ZM
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 32 (en, fr, nl)
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 27 (en), 86
  (en, zh)
* Metadata changes:
  - New metadata for region code(s): EH
  - Updated metadata for region code(s): BR, CL, CR, IN, MA, PG, PK,
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 241 (en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s):
  AE, AW, BF, CN, DE, JO, KE, KH, LT, MM, MU, NG, RW, SR, TR, VU
  - New geocoding data for country calling code(s): 359 (bg, en)
* Metadata changes:
  - Updated metadata for region code(s): DE, GR, HR, OM, SB, ZA
  - Updated geocoding data for country calling code(s): 30 (el, en)
* Initial Debian Package.
             debhelper (>= 7.0.50~),
             default-jdk | java-sdk,
             javahelper (>= 0.34),
             libboost-dev (>= 1.40),
             libboost-thread-dev (>= 1.40),
             libicu-dev (>= 4.4),
             libprotobuf-dev (>= 2.4),
         2010 The Libphonenumber Authors
NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
dh $@ -B$(CPP_BUILD) -Dcpp -Scmake --with javahelper
dh_auto_build -- VERBOSE=1 phonenumber phonenumber-shared
$(ANT) -f $(JAVA_BUILD).xml jar
$(ANT) -f $(JAVA_BUILD).xml junit
cp cpp/src/phonenumbers/region_code.h \
cp cpp/src/phonenumbers/base/synchronization/lock_posix.h \
mkdir -p debian/tmp/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)
mv debian/tmp/usr/lib/lib* debian/tmp/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/.
-$(ANT) -f $(JAVA_BUILD).xml clean

758. By David Yonge-Mallo <email address hidden>

Merge pull request #886 from roes/master

Update resources/timezones/map_data.txt to generated version from 2015-11-03.

757. By Keghani Kouzoujian <email address hidden>

Merge pull request #884 from dlyongemallo/remove_if

remove check for nationalPrefixFormattingRule empty before setting nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting in BuildMetadataFromXml

756. By penmetsaa <email address hidden>

Update README.md

755. By padmaksha <email address hidden>

Merge pull request #871 from googlei18n/penmetsaa_update_7.1.1

Penmetsaa update 7.1.1

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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