This is one of the main development branches
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/gisomount
Branch merges
Branch information
- Location:
- http://www.progbox.co.uk/gisomount
- Last mirrored:
- Next mirror:
- Disabled
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Recent revisions
- 72. By Pete Savage
Added files related to setting up module.
Added man page gisomount.1 - will pobably change once the sude business is sorted out
Modified NEWS, README to enable packaging
Modified config.py to remove script from header, to obey lintian warning
Fixed the Help About screen
Removed isoinfo as it is not needed - 70. By Pete Savage
Added config class, should have been added before
Modified info system, blank information is skipped and not mentioned,
note some iso vol label data must contain something ie spaces - 67. By Pete Savage
Now use UIManager to handle menus in the hope this will allow ease of updating the favorites