Merge lp://staging/~peter-pearse/ubuntu/natty/openssl/prop001 into lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/openssl

Proposed by Peter Pearse
Status: Superseded
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~peter-pearse/ubuntu/natty/openssl/prop001
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/openssl
Diff against target: 31 lines (+13/-0)
2 files modified
debian/changelog (+12/-0)
debian/rules (+1/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~peter-pearse/ubuntu/natty/openssl/prop001
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Steve Langasek Needs Fixing
Review via email:

This proposal has been superseded by a proposal from 2011-01-31.

Description of the change

debian/rules clean:

For cross builds, change all 'rm -f' in Makefiles to 'rm -fr'.

xdeb appears to run the makes non-root so 'rm -f' on directories fails, breaking the build.

Couldn't find a way to alias 'rm -f', presumably xdeb clears the environment.

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Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

I don't understand how this patch is supposed to work. First, all builds - not just cross-builds - are customarily done as non-root, and second, 'rm -f' doesn't work any better on directories as root than it does as non-root. So I think this patch is wrong; can you show a log of the failure you're trying to fix, to understand what's really going on here?

In any case, we definitely should not be editing the upstream makefiles as part of the debian/rules clean target. Changes to upstream files, where necessary, should be included directly in the packaging.

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Steve Langasek (vorlon) wrote :

Aha, have reproduced this problem. It is indeed a generic failure when running clean-after-build, that affects all builds and not just cross-builds.

So I think we can reduce this to a one-line patch:

         -rm -f build
         -./Configure $(CONFARGS) debian-$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)
+ -sed -i -e 's/rm -f/rm -rf/' Makefile
         [ ! -f Makefile ] || make -f Makefile clean clean-shared
         #-make -f Makefile dclean
 # perl util/ /usr/local/ssl

Can you confirm whether this fixes the issue for you?

review: Needs Fixing
54. By Peter Pearse

Make generic & neater - thanks to <email address hidden>

Unmerged revisions

54. By Peter Pearse

Make generic & neater - thanks to <email address hidden>

53. By Peter Pearse

Change 'rm -f' to 'rm -fr' in Makefiles to allow non-root cross build

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