
Created by Aleksandr Kuzminsky and last modified
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Recent revisions

159. By Oleg Tsarev

return back two patches

158. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

After handlersocket is built, return to source root directory

157. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Do not check existance of mysql/plugin when building RPM or DEB

156. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Let FETCH_CMD to be redefined

155. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Merge from lp:~percona-dev/percona-server/release-5.1.52-12
 153. By Oleg Tsarev on 2010-12-04

    Fix tests, those analyze slow-query-log.
    Replace 'cat var/...' by 'cat $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/...'
152. By Oleg Tsarev on 2010-12-04

    Fix test for response-time-distribution.
    I add DBUG_EXECUTE_IF_VARIABLE "response_time_distribution_log_only_more_300_milliseconds".
    If you enable this variable by 'SET SESSION debug="+d,response_time_distribution_log_only_more_300_milliseconds"'
    all queries what work less than 300 milliseconds don't count in QUERY_RESPONSE_TIME.
    As result - now tests work stable.
151. By Oleg Tsarev on 2010-12-04

    Now Makefile and install_tests.sh look to enviroment variable 'PERCONA_SERVER' instead of mandatory 'Percona-Server'.
    You can call 'PERCONA_SERVER=a make all' for unpack source code and apply patches in 'a' directory instead of 'Percona-Server'.
    Also you can call 'PERCONA_SERVER=a ./install_tests.sh' or 'PERCONA_SERVER=c ./install_tests.sh'.
150. By Oleg Tsarev on 2010-12-04

    merge from ~catap/percona-server/fix-install_tests
149. By Alexey Kopytov on 2010-12-03

    Addendum to patch for LP bug #673567:

    Fixed broken #ifdef blocks introduced by the previous patch.

154. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

fixed Bug #684183

153. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Fixed Bug #676158

152. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

Fixed Bug #671764

151. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

fixed typo in removing percona-server-common dependency

150. By Aleksandr Kuzminsky

libmysqlclient16 does not need to depend on percona-server-common, removed dependency.

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