
Created by Parth Malwankar and last modified

ANSI C parser written in Python.

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bzr branch lp://staging/~parthm/+junk/sa
Only Parth Malwankar can upload to this branch. If you are Parth Malwankar please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Parth Malwankar

Recent revisions

16. By Parth Malwankar

added copyright

15. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

NEWS updated for v0.1b release

14. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

further enhancement to symtable creation.
variables not recognized. still some work left on
scope / nesting.

13. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

test script enhanced to check for actual/expected values

12. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

moved ansi c test cases to ansi c sub-directory
regr_sa now extracts expected return value

11. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

addeding testing doc.
renamed c test files as per testing methodology

10. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

added python regression script
this should later be enhanced to used pyunit.
regr_sa.py deprecates runtest.sh

9. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

updated sa to return error code.
1 on error and 0 on successful pass

8. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>

make support files into a module salib.
only top level script 'sa' is now seen at the top

7. By Parth Malwankar <email address hidden>


Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar Knit Repository Format 3 (bzr 0.15)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
