
Created by Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema and last modified
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Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

Recent revisions

29. By Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

Delete -dev package.

28. By Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

No-op wrap-and-sort.

27. By Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

Install polkit actions in plasma-desktop-data.

26. By Jose Manuel Santamaria Lema

Misc changes to make the upgrades from KDE SC 4 easier.

25. By Harald Sitter

* plasma-desktop depends breeze instead of breeze-cursor-theme as breeze
  provides the core UI styling for all of the shell
  + Drop oxygen-icon-theme as dependency as breeze packaging handles
    the oxygen relationship
  + Drop gdb-minimal | gdb; it is a dep of workspace as that is where drkonqi
  + Depend on kded5 for the kded, style, keyboard and keys kcm as well as
    the ktouchpadenabler kded module
  + Add all workspace packages as recommends or depends of plasma-desktop
    as the entire bunch comprises what is considered a plasma-desktop.
    + Depends:
      - breeze - core theme package. needed by various parts of the stack, so
                 removing it is almost never possible or viable
      - kde-cli-tools - core tools like kcmshell5, used to run kcms
      - oxygen-sounds - applications directly reference oxygen sound names and
                        as such not having this package will render no sounds
    + Recommends:
      - kde-style-oxygen-qt5 - not needed if another style is installed
      - khelpcenter
      - khotkeys - advanced hotkey management
      - kio-extras - extra slaves, mostly useful for preview generator
      - kmenuedit
      - kwin - not needed if another wm is installed
      - kwin-decoration-oxygen - not needed if another decoration is installed
      - kwrited
      - plasma-nm
      - powerdevil
      - systemsettings
      - tty-oxygen-font-family
   + Properly resolve qml module dependencies of plasma-desktop:
     + plasma-framework (already present)
     + qtdeclarative5-kf5declarative (kquickcontrolsaddons, kcoreaddons etc.)
     + qml-module-org-kde-solid
     + kactivities (for activities)

24. By Rohan Garg

Fix watch files

23. By Rohan Garg

Fix gdb depends

22. By Scarlett Gately Moore

Add missing files to install


21. By Scarlett Gately Moore

New upstream tarball

20. By Jonathan Riddell

fix build-dep

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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