Merge lp://staging/~pabelanger/nova/dbconfig-common into lp://staging/~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/essex

Proposed by Paul Belanger
Status: Rejected
Rejected by: Martin Pitt
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~pabelanger/nova/dbconfig-common
Merge into: lp://staging/~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/essex
Diff against target: 840 lines (+610/-24)
15 files modified
debian/changelog (+15/-0)
debian/control (+100/-14)
debian/gbp.conf (+5/-2)
debian/nova-backend-mysql.config (+38/-0)
debian/nova-backend-mysql.postinst (+77/-0)
debian/nova-backend-mysql.prerm (+47/-0)
debian/nova-backend-pgsql.config (+38/-0)
debian/nova-backend-pgsql.postinst (+77/-0)
debian/nova-backend-pgsql.prerm (+47/-0)
debian/nova-backend-sqlite3.config (+39/-0)
debian/nova-backend-sqlite3.postinst (+75/-0)
debian/nova-backend-sqlite3.prerm (+47/-0)
debian/nova-common.postinst (+0/-4)
debian/nova.conf (+1/-0)
debian/rules (+4/-4)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~pabelanger/nova/dbconfig-common
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Server Developers Pending
Review via email:
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340. By Paul Belanger

debian/control: python-nova depends on openssh-client (LP: #956177)

341. By Paul Belanger

Also update control file

Revision history for this message
Adam Gandelman (gandelman-a) wrote :


I've merged the openssh dep fix with the latest upload (2012.1~rc1~20120316.13416-0ubuntu1)

I'm going to defer the rest of the changes until next week. Chuck (zul) has been working on merging our openstack packaging with the openstack packaging in Debian. Part of that work is merging in dbconfig-common stuff they've added to their packaging. This has already been done for keystone, and started for Glance. I'd prefer you guys work together on this when he is back from vacation next week to avoid conflicts and reduce any potential delta between the Ubuntu and Debian work.


Revision history for this message
Paul Belanger (pabelanger) wrote :

Okay, wish I knew that before working on this; oh well. Which version syncs with which? Is Ubuntu master or is Debian?

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

This was "wontfix"ed by the server team two years ago, so I suppose this can be closed now?

Unmerged revisions

341. By Paul Belanger

Also update control file

340. By Paul Belanger

debian/control: python-nova depends on openssh-client (LP: #956177)

339. By Paul Belanger

* debian/control, debian/nova-backend-mysql,
  debian/nova-backend-pgsql, debian/nova-backend-sqlite3:
  - Add dbconfig-common support to nova (LP: #954915)
* debian/rules get-orig-source:
  - Download tarballs to '../tarballs'
  - Check if '../tarballs' exists, if not create it
  - Download current version not latest.
* debian/nova.conf: Add sql_connection setting
* debian/gbp.conf: Update for overlay

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