- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~oxide-developers/oxide/packaging.vivid
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 100. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.12.5 (see USN-2877-1)
- Bump Chromium rev to 48.0.2564.82
- Fix LP: #1376268 - Add TouchSelectionController and
WebView.editingCapabili tes APIs
- Fix LP: #1441465 - Add camera implementation for phone that uses
the compatibility layer in Ubuntu's libhybris
- Fix LP: #1508972 - Can't enumerate cameras on the phone
- Fix LP: #1490014 - (PPAPI Flash) Implement missing PPB_Flash functions
- Fix LP: #1490016 - (PPAPI Flash) Implement PPB_Fullscreen
- Fix LP: #1490017 - (PPAPI Flash) Implement PPB_Flash_FontFile
- Fix LP: #1499479 - Reduce the size of the Skia font cache on mobile
- Fix LP: #1499775 - It's difficult to see where a link will send you
before clicking on it. Add WebView.hoveredUrl property
- Fix LP: #1504853 - Certificate errors in the browser are confusing -
have the WebView navigate to a placeholder transient page when the
browser displays the certificate error UI. This fixes several issues
where the addressbar and back button didn't behave consistently in some
- Fix LP: #1509384 - (PPAPI Flash) Flash plugin isn't always detected
by BBC iPlayer. Ensure we load the plugin metadata so that
navigator.plugins has the correct info
- Fix LP: #1509433 - (PPAPI Flash) Enable the Flash plugin by default
when it's installed
- Fix LP: #1509875 - (PPAPI Flash) Browser addressbar is visible when Flash
content is fullscreen because LocationBarController doesn't work. Always
hide the addressbar in this case
- Fix LP: #1510508 - (PPAPI Flash) Layout and input events messed up when
using Flash in fullscreen. The Flash plugin expects the view size to be
updated synchronously when transitioning to fullscreen, so add a hack for
this (Chrome already does this too)
- Fix LP: #1510679 - (PPAPI Flash) Transitioning Flash content to
fullscreen sometimes shows the wrong content
- Fix LP: #1510949 - (PPAPI Flash) Applications cannot cancel fullscreen
- Fix LP: #1510973 - (PPAPI Flash) Ensure we cancel a fullscreen request
from Flash is the application doesn't grant fullscreen by setting
WebView.fullscreen to true
- Fix LP: #1517955 - Enable NEON unconditionally. Support for non-NEON
builds in Chromium has been broken for ages, and the default (optional
NEON with runtime detection) only works on Android without additional
patches to make the detection work on non-Android builds. Given that
upstream are planning enable NEON unconditionally and drop support for
other configurations in the future, let's just do this now as it enables
us to stop patching webrtc
- Fix LP: #1518358 - Text selection is not greyed out when the window
loses focus
- Fix LP: #1341565 - Should include plugin typeinfo (plugins.qmltypes)
- Fix LP: #1408109 - Remove StoragePermissionRequest. This was never
completed, has never been tested, isn't used anywhere and is going to
get in the way of site settings
- Fix LP: #1510503 - WebView.fullscreenReque sted shouldn't fire if
fullscreen is already granted
- Fix LP: #1510506 - (PPAPI Flash) NOTIMPLEMENTED() hit in WebContentsView
when using Flash fullscreen
* Build-depend on libandroid-properties- dev on all architectures
- update debian/control - 96. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.11.2
- See USN-2825-1
- Bump Chromium rev to 47.0.2526.73
- Fix LP: #1470268 - Implement a ResourceThrottle based navigation
intercept, and stop using an unsupported navigation path in Chromium
to do this
- Fix LP: #1421423 - Don't crash when we receive unhandled key events
without an OS event
- Fix LP: #1506672 - Link with --gc-sections in all build configurations
to work around a code architecture issue
- Fix LP: #1326113 - Initial support for the Flash PPAPI plugin (off by
- Fix LP: #1500510 - Add support for HTML notifications using libnotify
- Fix LP: #1486645 - Use the application name for the token used to
request access to the microphone
- Fix LP: #1433508 - Previous favicon displayed when navigating to a file
URL, or any URL that doesn't have a concept of a default favicon (ie,
non-HTTP URLs)
- Fix LP: #1302740 - WebView.navigationReque sted isn't emitted for
new-window navigations when WebView.newViewRequeste d isn't implemented
- Fix LP: #1470190 - Refactor how some classes are constructed to make
things more consistent
- Fix LP: #1501473 - Disable smooth scrolling to work around scrolling
- Fix LP: #1505048 - Update for changes to base::RepeatingTimer
* Add build-depends on libnotify-dev and libgdk-pixbuf2. 0-dev - 94. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.10.3 (see USN-2770-1)
- Bump Chromium rev to 46.0.2490.71
- When calling WebView.goBack or WebView.goForward, test that the state
of canGo{Forward,Back} is updated immediately
- Update media permission tests to use https, now that media capture
requires it
- Disable Blink features that don't work or aren't implemented in Oxide
(page popups and ContentUtils)
- Stop piggy-backing on to cc::CompositorFrame for passing information
about compositor frames around. cc::CompositorFrame::software_ frame_data
has been removed from Chromium now that software frames are no longer
sent over IPC, so we implement our own classes for handling this
- Qt 5.5 fixes
- Fix LP: #1487090 - Work around content-hub issue by exposing the mime
type to download requests when saving an image from the context menu
* Refresh gross-hack-for-dual- ffmpeg- build.patch
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk