- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~oxide-developers/oxide/packaging.utopic
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 66. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.8.3 (see USN-2677-1)
- Bump Chromium rev to 44.0.2403.89
- Fix LP: #1301419 - Add clipboard integration
- Fix LP: #1326070 - Add support for context menus
- Fix LP: #1375272 - Add WebView.webProcessStatu s API so that embedders
can be notified of render process crashes
- Fix LP: #1410996 - Add WebView.mediaAccessPerm issionRequested API
- Fix LP: #1456267 - Flush profile data before the application is suspended
by lifecycle management. Fixes an issue where Cut the Rope game state
is not saved in some cases
- Fix LP: #1244335 - Add LoadEvent.httpStatusCode API
- Fix LP: #1312260 - Add WebView.findController API for find-in-page
- Fix LP: #1408267 - Discard OTR BrowserContexts when not in use. This
means we now discard the in-memory profile when the browser exits private
browsing mode
- Fix LP: #1445585 - Drop workarounds for the old browser header bar
- Fix LP: #1446831 - Include the resources necessary for chrome://tracing/
to work
- Fix LP: #1455128 - Clear the gesture pipeline when navigating between
* Refresh gross-hack-for-dual- ffmpeg- build.patch - 63. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.7.8
- see USN-2610-1
- Bump Chromium rev to 43.0.2357.65
- Fix LP: #1452407 - Shutdown abort due to BrowserContext leak
- Fix LP: #1449660 - Shutdown deadlock due to a race condition in
- Fix LP: #1435831 - Support EGLImage compositing path
- Fix LP: #1435835 - Improve synchronization between webview and UI
- Fix LP: #1422408 - Enable accelerated canvas on Arale
- Fix LP: #1426567 - Enable pinch-viewport on desktop
- Fix LP: #1439829 - Select the correct GL platform when the Qt platform
is "mirserver"
- Fix LP: #1399195 - Improve network callback event tests
- Fix LP: #1415662 - Cancelling a network request in onBeforeRedirect has
no effect
- Fix LP: #1422920 - Add LocationBarController. show(),
LocationBarController. hide() and LocationBarCont roller. animated
- Fix LP: #1433472 - navigator.language doesn't work
- Fix LP: #1435418 - Clean up the classes related to the private interfaces
between the core library and the QtQuick library, making it more obvious
where code should live
- Fix LP: #1438902 - Enable webgl on mako
- Fix LP: #1446864 - OxideQQuickScriptMessage: :reply doesn't work with
Qt 5.4
- Use the simple backend for the network cache
- Add EGLFS QPA support
- Fix cross-compiling armhf builds on x86
* Make sure that liboxideqtquick0 is stripped correctly - 58. By Chris Coulson
* Update to v1.6.4
- see USN-2570-1
- Bump Chromium rev to 42.0.2311.90
- Fix LP: #1442398 - Invalid read in CompositorOutputSurfaceGL
- Fix LP: #1442458 - Minimum page scale shouldn't be 1 on mobile
- Fix LP: #1400372 - Keyboard re-appears in webbrowser after dismissing
- Fix LP: #1429135 - webbrowser-app crashed with SIGSEGV in
XQueryExtension() on Unity 8 desktop
- Fix LP: #1411159 - Proper fix for shutdown crash in
content::GpuChannelHost ::Send, removing the workaround from the 1.5
- Fix LP: #1277659 - Add WebContext.maxCacheSizeHin t property, to allow
applications some control over the network cache size
- Fix LP: #1427882 - TextureRefHolder will crash if the context is lost
- Fix LP: #1430478 - Disable the GPU shader cache. Its memory footprint
makes it inappropriate on mobile devices and it writes the cache to the
current working directory if WebContext.dataPath isn't set
- Set the pulse audio media role so that audio output can take part in
pulse-level stream arbitration
- Disable webcore debug symbols and link with --no-keep-files-mapped
on native x86 builds because of linker OOM
- Add OXIDE_ENABLE_GPU_DEBUGGING environment variable, which corresponds
to --enable-gpu-debugging in Chrome
- Fix renderer crash in debug builds when location bar height is set to
- Remove a spurious DCHECK that fires sometimes when a render process dies
- Add resources and strings required for built-in webui (eg, chrome://gpu/)
- Add OXIDE_ENABLE_GPU_SERVICE_ LOGGING environment variable, which
corresponds to --enable-gpu-service- logging in Chrome
- Miscellaneous fixes for media-hub audio playback
- Use base::ThreadRestrictions: :ScopedAllowIO when constructing
net::HttpCache, as that makes use of base::CPU which does IO on Arm.
Fixes a debug-mode startup abort
- Various component build fixes
- Don't statically link base in to oxide-renderer just to call
SetReleaseFreeMemoryFuncti on. Instead, expose an API from oxide-core to
allow oxide-renderer to call this without pulling in its own copy of base
- Only disable use of EGL_EXT_create_ context_ robustness and
GLX_ARB_create_ context_ robustness when the application provides a share
context that hasn't been created with these extensions
- Drop support for building with Qt < 5.2
- Use net::URLRequest::IsHandledProt ocol for checking if a scheme is
- Refactor how the GL implementation is selected, simplifying the code.
variables for disabling all GPU features or GPU compositing respectively
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk