Any idea why I see this? cdodt 0 ~/wc/txGenshi% *bzr merge lp:~oubiwann/txgenshi/506281-util-cleanup* bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/cdodt/wc/txGenshi/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh:// different rich-root support I actually have something a bit like a test for your setup if you squint. I'm working on a Nevow-based framework called Chichimec, and it uses virtualenv to build directories where Chichimec--and its dependencies, including txGenshi--is installed. Then it runs tests inside the directory that it generates. So indirectly it is a test of Chichimec's setup. Unfortunately the above error is blocking me (I could just patch, of course, but it's late and I'd rather know what the error means). From scanning the patch, I noticed there is a merge conflict marker stuck in there, and it looks like should have a docstring now. There may be other modules that need them, perhaps that's a chore for your other bug :-) C On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Duncan McGreggor