Merge lp://staging/~osomon/unity-webapps-qml/do-not-override-existing-message-handlers into lp://staging/unity-webapps-qml

Proposed by Olivier Tilloy
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~osomon/unity-webapps-qml/do-not-override-existing-message-handlers
Merge into: lp://staging/unity-webapps-qml
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~osomon/unity-webapps-qml/do-not-override-existing-message-handlers
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Alexandre Abreu (community) Approve
David Barth (community) Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Do not override existing message handlers.

Oxide has this nice feature that it automatically attaches the instantiated message handler to the webview anyway, so this line was useless.

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Revision history for this message
David Barth (dbarth) wrote :

+1 on the desktop. It doesn't break webapps which are displaying their own right-click menus, like Google Docs. Others will now display a menu to "copy link" by default.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Alexandre Abreu (abreu-alexandre) :
review: Approve


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