
Created by Julien Thewys and last modified
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OpenERP Groupe S
Odoo Web Client

Recent revisions

4591. By Julien Thewys

[FIX] export: default export format is .xls

This is a usability fix.
.xls is far easier than .csv:
- no need to specify the separator on import
- no need to know what character encoding is used
- no need to know what means the concept of character encoding anyway

4590. By Julien Thewys

[ADD] export: readded export to Excel (requires python-xlwt library)

4589. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] regression error when creating invoice line on a duplicated invoice

4588. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] incorrect context passing in o2m

4587. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] calendar events (day and week) should not overlap, makes descriptions unreadable

4586. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

4585. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] date formats in search view

4584. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

4583. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] handling of external links with target current (load into iframe)

4582. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] handling of menu items with both action and children

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