
Created by Julien Thewys and last modified
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OpenERP Groupe S
Odoo Web Client

Recent revisions

4493. By Julien Thewys

[ADD] export: readded export to Excel (requires python-xlwt library)

4492. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[IMP] if no ids in listview, send empty list string

4491. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] actually fix previous commit for real instead of crappy workaround

Bug is actually that jquery-ui's sortable will sort 'empty' table lines (which is perfectly sensible from its point of view). Just tell it to ignore them by only selecting lines with a @record for sorting (those are the non-empty lines)

Further improve by not allowing dropping on empty table lines (so we don't try to insert the only element of a list at index 5, though it doesn't bother Python)

4490. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] bail out early from List.dragRow if id is missing

I don't even see how that's possible, but the logs tell me otherwise. Log the event just in case (though I still don't see how that would help)

4489. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] If the value of a selection field is 'False' (or not found in the selection), set the record value to graph to 'False' instead of not setting it at all

Otherwise the graph data serialization blows up (_graph.py:240 can not find any value in the record)

4488. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] perform active_id replacement in context when that context is a dict as well (replace string dict value)

4487. By Nicolas Vanhoren (OpenERP)

[FIX] Fixed small potential problem in odoo.

4486. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] remove nofilter filter on Mako value output, breaks down trying to decode utf-8-encoded values inserted into the templates

4485. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] display of validation errors on search forms

4484. By Xavier (Open ERP)

[FIX] bug 14: error 'list' object has no attribute 'update'

TinyForm._convert transforms o2m fields into o2m commands, then when a dictionary is created from that, it overwrites the recursive field dicts and has two effects:
* If an other recursive field value is set after it, the update() call is performed on the o2m commands list (which cannot be updated)
* With the first 'fix' (more like a workaround) the o2m commands list can be set/seen after having already created some fields, which loses them, hence the guard

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