
Created by Galtys and last modified
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OpenERP Community (OBSOLETE)

Recent revisions

9115. By Jan <email address hidden>

make period dates not required

9114. By Fabien (Open ERP)

[IMP] reduced image size

9113. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [IMP] product: added data for american units of measure + 1 yml test

9112. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [IMP] account: payment term configuration: do not fool people by
telling them to enter a percentage when openerp actually waits for a decimal.
Therefore removed the percentage symbol.

9111. By Fabien (Open ERP)

[IMP] insert a banner --> build a page

9110. By Fabien (Open ERP)

[IMP] logo by default (easier to configure)

9108. By Fabien (Open ERP)

[FIX] layout bug, right alignment of blocks incorrect

9107. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] [ADD] website: added support for calling a server action through a new controller, allowing to build website pages through server action.

website: added website/action/<id_or_xml_id> route, that runs the server action designed by its id or xml_id. Only published code server action are run. If the server action returns a response (for example the result of a template rendering), it is returned as result of the controller. This allows to have server action returning a rendered template, to display custom website pages based on some computation.

website: added an override of ir_actions_server:
- added website_published field: only published server action can be run + view update
- evaluation context gets request for evaluation, to enable request.render(template) or request.params.get(key) in order to retrieve the result of a form
- code server action returns 'response' the same way 'action' can be returned for classic code server action

9106. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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