
Created by Ankita Patel (OpenERP) and last modified
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OpenERP Committers

Recent revisions

6977. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

6976. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] Merged branch with thread widget renaming. Renamed ThreadView widget to mail_thread to match more closely the OpenERP guidelines. Also added some footers where they had been forgotten.

6975. By Raphael Collet (OpenERP)

[MERGE] trunk-first_10_clicks_crm-rco (small fixes in crm)

6974. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of openerp

Launchpad automatic translations update.

6973. By Quentin (OpenERP) <email address hidden>

[MERGE] review of form views for crm, sale,... (part 1)

6972. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] Merged mail state feature. Task description :
- clean mailgateway, add a message_state for ex-'pending' state due to new messages read/unread behavior (new message -> unread; when viewing form view -> automatically read)
- make the needaction mechanism mainly based on mail.thread: when the message_state is unread, set the object responsible as need_action user_id. Clean get_needaction_user_ids methods through the addons to clean them.
- buttons 'mark read / mark unread' in more
- track in modules specific behavior of mailgateways to clean and update
- clean mail.thread get_subscribers

6971. By Fabien (Open ERP)

[IMP] styling

6970. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] Merged branch with the move of the expander library used in the chatter.

6969. By Quentin (OpenERP) <email address hidden>

[MERGE] review of form views for purchase, supplier invoice, incomming shipments...

6968. By Thibault Delavallée (OpenERP)

[MERGE] Merged branch some fixes and clean for chatter/share.Mail
- subject is not required anymore, leading to a better-looking Wall/Chatter
- defined a name_get because subject could be void
Mail group
- cleaned form view
Mail compose message
- cleaned the current form view
- moved links to the More menu
- cleaned various views of the wizard
- fixed link send in the email for direct login
- cleaned style
- better integration with Portal option
- fixed a bug due to a wrongly named variable (logger)
- lead view: chatter in a footer
- use expander plugin for read more/read less.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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