
Created by Jeff Lane  and last modified
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Open Compute Developers
The Open Compute Project

Recent revisions

12. By Jeff Lane 

Updated to 1.0.7 from trunk

11. By Pierre Blanc

Add i586 support patch. (Closes: #775642)

10. By Pierre Blanc

* Merging upstream version 1.0.6. (Closes: #728696)
* Fix armhf support patch. (Closes: #728695)

9. By Adam Conrad

Fix armhf support patch to look for "arm" instead of "armv7l",
since configure is looking at the triplet, not uname output.

8. By Jani Monoses

debian/patches/armv7.patch: Fix patch to apply to configure script.

7. By Jani Monoses

debian/patches/armv7.patch: Look for armv7l instead of armv7a
to fix FTBFS on armel.

6. By Michael Prokop <email address hidden>

* [ad79dfa] Use Architecture any instead of whitelisting archs.
* [f75e14b] Drop CROSS specific configure stuff.

5. By Michael Prokop <email address hidden>

* [e723f0c] Merging upstream version 1.0.3.
* [0713e49] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1.
* [9466bfa] Add libaio-dev to Build-Depends.
* [b6a48bb] Rework autoconf handling in debian/rules. (Closes:
  #575495) - thanks to Reinhard Tartler <email address hidden>
  for helping.
* [c60a573] Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format.
* [05108de] Add quilt patch to build non-static.

4. By Michael Prokop <email address hidden>

Add sh4 to list of supported architectures. Thanks to
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu. [Closes: #561049]

3. By Michael Prokop <email address hidden>

* Merging upstream version 1.0.1. Upstream's Changelog:
  - Fix non-x86 build.
  - Fix lock initialization.
  - Standardize on posix_memalign.
  - Do not require -A.
  - Add STRESSAPPTEST_OS_BSD config for future BSD support.
  - Improved read error/data corruption handling.
  - Fix typos.
  - Add manpage contributed by Michael Prokop <email address hidden>.
* Updated debian/copyright.

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