- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~oif-team/qt/touch-end-reentrant
Branch merges
- Denis Dzyubenko (community): Approve
Diff: 82 lines (+20/-13)2 files modifieddebian/changelog (+3/-1)
debian/patches/kubuntu_28_xi2.1.patch (+17/-12)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 174. By Chase Douglas
* Fix touch end event handling for reentrancy (LP: #785433)
- Updated kubuntu_28_xi2. 1.patch with the fix - 173. By Chase Douglas
* Re-enable tablet support (LP: #762938)
- Updated kubuntu_28_xi2. 1.patch with the fix - 169. By Didier Roche-Tolomelli
* debian/rules:
- use -fno-strict-aliasing for now as a lot of QML codes broke because of
aliasing wrongly optimized. Issue under work upstream. (LP: #791213) - 168. By Felix Geyer
[ Chase Douglas ]
* Fix touch end event handling, LP: #785433
- Updated kubuntu_28_xi2. 1.patch with the fix - 167. By Felix Geyer
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Do not package ibase/firebird package, remove from debian/rules and
- libqt4-sql-ibase not recommend for libqt4-sql
- build with -no-phonon
- do not build libqt4-phonon, disable in debian/control
- Build packages with lzma compression using the dh addon from pkg-kde-tools
- Rules to remove po dir in clean
- Add MessagesQt.sh
- Rules to create Messages.sh link to MessagesQt.sh and rules to create po
dir and exectue extract-messages.sh in common-install- prehook- impl
- Make libqt4-dev depend on libx11-dev
- In debian/rules: configure with "-arch armv6" option on armel
- Add and install Trolltech.conf in libqtcore4.install
- Build QtWebkit and use it only for QtAssistant
+ Rule to put qt_webkit_version. pri in mkspecs/modules
+ Rule to remove libQtWebKit* after build
+ Exclude usr/bin/assistant- qt4 from dh_shlibdeps
- Fix Lucid upgrades: libqt4-help breaks/replaces libqtcore4 (<< 4:4.7.0)
- Change OpenGL backend from GL to GLES 2 for ARM
+ Build-depend and make libqt4-opengl-dev depend on libgles2-mesa-dev
instead of libgl1-mesa-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev
+ Pass "-opengl es2" to configure
* Drop kubuntu_23_syncqt_ no_timestamp_ change. diff, replaced by
02_syncqt_sane_timestamp_ for_nonexisting _headers. diff.
* Drop kubuntu_02_neon_ flags.patch, replaced by 95_neon_ flags.patch.
* Disable x-0003-Use-GCC- intrinsics- for-armv6- atomic- operations. patch as
we use kubuntu_23_arm_ memory_ barriers. patch instead.
* Drop appmenu-qt from libqtgui4's Recommends since indicator-appmenu
recommends it.
* Drop kubuntu_30_blacklist_ ssl_certificate s.diff, applied upstream.
* Update Vcs links as the branch is owned by kubuntu-packagers now.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)