
Created by Henrik Rydberg and last modified
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Open Input Framework Team

Recent revisions

38. By Henrik Rydberg

Another swap problem fixed

The fix to the fix had a problem, so here is another
fix... The starting point may overshoot, so wrapping
cannot be reset, unfortunately. Relying on min_id = 0
would be good...

Signed-off-by: Henrik Rydberg <email address hidden>

37. By Henrik Rydberg

Merging in semi-mt-addons2 fixes

36. By Chase Douglas

Merge improvements from Henrik

35. By Chase Douglas

Clean up semi-mt touch count logic

By watching for BTN_TOUCH == 0 we can drop any logic handling for when
other semi-mt touch count events are sent with value 0.

34. By Chase Douglas

Set the touch ID half way around the ID range to be safe

33. By Chase Douglas

Provide the range of touch IDs and decouple ID from touch active state

The kernel provides a range of touch IDs for each device, and XI 2.1 will
have its own range as well. The tracking ID from the kernel is set to -1
when the touch goes inactive, but -1 (as an unsigned int) is a valid
value for XI 2.1. To make things work in both environments, the tracking
ID range is provided in the touch surface, and the active state has been
decoupled from the tracking ID value. The backend (mtdev or XI 2.1) must
now set the active value of the touch contact.

Also, to provide for the full range of XI 2.1 touch IDs, the ID value has
been changed to unsigned int.

32. By Chase Douglas

Split out EV_KEY handling and add support for BTN_TOOL_FINGER

31. By Chase Douglas

Set the active number of touches on semi-mt devices

Use the evdev semi-mt BTN_TOOL_*TAP events to set the active number of
touches on these types of devices.

30. By Chase Douglas

Add additional contacts for semi-mt devices

Semi-multitouch devices provide a bounding box in the first two touch
contacts and a number of touches within the bounding box. This change
keeps the first two touch contacts as the bounding box and then adds more
touches at the center of the box as needed to match the total number of
touches on the device.

The tracking ID is set to the first touchs' tracking ID minus 1 (skipping
over the invalid ID of -1). This ensures a unique tracking ID unless the
frame continues for 2^32 touches.

29. By Henrik Rydberg

Release version 1.1.2

Signed-off-by: Henrik Rydberg <email address hidden>

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