Merge lp://staging/~ogra/alsa-utils/746023 into lp://staging/~ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-utils/ubuntu.natty

Proposed by Oliver Grawert
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~ogra/alsa-utils/746023
Merge into: lp://staging/~ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-utils/ubuntu.natty
Diff against target: 43 lines (+20/-0)
3 files modified
debian/90-alsa-ucm.rules (+11/-0)
debian/changelog (+7/-0)
debian/rules (+2/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~ogra/alsa-utils/746023
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
David Henningsson Needs Fixing
Review via email:

Description of the change

udev rules for enabling alsaucm defaults on SDP4430, fixes 746023

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Revision history for this message
David Henningsson (diwic) wrote :

Eh, this merge contains a lot of things that shouldn't be there, e g a ".pc" directory, a "diff against target" of 83083 lines, that can't be right.

review: Needs Fixing
lp://staging/~ogra/alsa-utils/746023 updated
89. By Oliver Grawert

add udev rule to initialize SDP4430 (TI omap4 pandaboard) with proper defaults with the alsa use case manager (LP: #746023)

Unmerged revisions

89. By Oliver Grawert

add udev rule to initialize SDP4430 (TI omap4 pandaboard) with proper defaults with the alsa use case manager (LP: #746023)

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