
Created by Dan Watkins and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~oddbloke/ubuntu-server-ec2-testing/transfer_all_tests
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Branch information

Dan Watkins
Ubuntu Server ec2 Testing

Recent revisions

39. By Dan Watkins

Transfer the whole test directory to target host.

Previously we transferred only a script which re-branched everything.
This will give us more flexibility when we want to change that

38. By Robert C Jennings

Add ssd/io1 storage types for current instance types

37. By Robert C Jennings

Add r3 instance types

36. By Robert C Jennings

Missing machine image or testcase results in silent failure (lp:1298562)

execute_ubuntu_ec2_test.py calls retrieve_mi to find a machine image
to run for the testcase. However if none is returned no error is logged
and testing continues. Same for a failure to locate a testcase.

The user is specifying the search criteria for which relates to a
particular image. If that image is missing it should be treated and
reported as an error. Same for testcase location failure.

35. By Robert C Jennings

Add HVM testing support

34. By Ben Howard

Switch default region to us-west-2

33. By Ben Howard

Added SSH connect timeout

32. By Ben Howard

Increase timeout for test retrivial

31. By Ben Howard

Don't fail over missing console logs

30. By Ben Howard

Fixes for cloud failures

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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