
Created by Michael Lodder and last modified
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Branch information

Michael Lodder

Recent revisions

11. By Michael Lodder

Whitespace cleanup

10. By Michael Lodder

Added the actual source code

9. By Michael Lodder

Initial Release

8. By Michael Lodder

Added suexec

7. By Jordi Mallach

Enable systemd support only on Linux architectures.

6. By Jordi Mallach

[ Jordi Mallach ]
* New upstream release (closes: #721518).
* Remove all patches, all were applied upstream.
* Add pkg-config to Build-Depends, as per configure.ac.
* Minor tabs-vs-spaces cosmetic fix in init.
* Pull post-1.1.0 patches from Git:
  - debian/patches/0002-Add-p-path-option-to-restrict-scripts.patch:
    restricts fcgiwrap to a literal path match.
* Pass --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system.
* Build-Depend on libsystemd-daemon-dev and pass --with-systemd to
  enable systemd socket activation.
* Update to debhelper compat v9.
* Use canonical Vcs URLs.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed).

[ Sergio Talens-Oliag ]
* Update watch file as suggested by Haha Warosu (closes: #720912).
* Added -f option to fcgiwrap to redirect stderr (closes: #633116).
* Modified init file to remove the use of DAEMON_USER and DAEMON_GID, as
  spawn-fcgi already does the check and fails if the user does not exist
  and also changed the PID file extension (closes: #697856).
* Use env -i when calling spawn-fcgi to have a clean environment when
  executing the scripts (closes: #621754), but enabling the option of
  exporting some variables if desired (ENV_VARS).
* Add fix_systemd.patch: change user/group and socket name definitions
  in service file to match the Debian-suitable sysvinit values.
* Cleanup autotools files on clean.

5. By Jordi Mallach

* Remove Replaces on old package name that never hit the official
* Actually use $DAEMON_OPTS when spawning the server (closes: #616551).
* Add support for FCGI_SOCKET_USER & FCGI_SOCKET_GROUP, as suggested by
  Maik Zumstrull (closes: #616552).
* Add an example default file.

4. By Philipp Kern

[ Jordi Mallach ]
* Unquote $pid and $DAEMON on stop_daemon() so it actually stops
  (closes: #602199).
* Reduce the wait when just stopping (closes: #602200).
* Change priority to extra.
* Add ldflags.patch to add support for LDFLAGS in Makefile.in
  (stolen from Git 58ec209478f50b2048cf).

[ Philipp Kern ]
* Current state taken from the VCS and uploaded as a LowThresholdNmu.

3. By Jordi Mallach

* New upstream release.
* Use my debian.org address all over the packaging files.
* Drop our manpage, which was accepted upstream.
* Remove obsolete comment about lack of formal fcgiwrap releases and
  versioning of git snapshots.
* Add a call to `autoreconf -i` on build.
* Add automake to Build-Depends, and wrap them.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed).
* Add manpage_minus_escaping.patch to fix a pair of unescaped minus
  signs in the manpage.

2. By Jordi Mallach

* New upstream release.
* Rename source and binary, as agreed with upstream.
* Minor cosmetic fix to the init script start message.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* Move to dh7.
* Switch to Source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Build-Depend on autoconf.
* Make the init script depend on $remote_fs (lintian).
* Move to collab-maint SVN; add appropriate Vcs headers.
* Initial upload to Debian (closes: #544702).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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