- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/php5-cgi-suexec
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 6. By Jordi Mallach
[ Jordi Mallach ]
* New upstream release (closes: #721518).
* Remove all patches, all were applied upstream.
* Add pkg-config to Build-Depends, as per configure.ac.
* Minor tabs-vs-spaces cosmetic fix in init.
* Pull post-1.1.0 patches from Git:
- debian/patches/ 0002-Add- p-path- option- to-restrict- scripts. patch:
restricts fcgiwrap to a literal path match.
* Pass --with-systemdsystemun itdir=/ lib/systemd/ system.
* Build-Depend on libsystemd-daemon- dev and pass --with-systemd to
enable systemd socket activation.
* Update to debhelper compat v9.
* Use canonical Vcs URLs.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed).[ Sergio Talens-Oliag ]
* Update watch file as suggested by Haha Warosu (closes: #720912).
* Added -f option to fcgiwrap to redirect stderr (closes: #633116).
* Modified init file to remove the use of DAEMON_USER and DAEMON_GID, as
spawn-fcgi already does the check and fails if the user does not exist
and also changed the PID file extension (closes: #697856).
* Use env -i when calling spawn-fcgi to have a clean environment when
executing the scripts (closes: #621754), but enabling the option of
exporting some variables if desired (ENV_VARS).
* Add fix_systemd.patch: change user/group and socket name definitions
in service file to match the Debian-suitable sysvinit values.
* Cleanup autotools files on clean. - 5. By Jordi Mallach
* Remove Replaces on old package name that never hit the official
* Actually use $DAEMON_OPTS when spawning the server (closes: #616551).
* Add support for FCGI_SOCKET_USER & FCGI_SOCKET_GROUP, as suggested by
Maik Zumstrull (closes: #616552).
* Add an example default file. - 4. By Philipp Kern
[ Jordi Mallach ]
* Unquote $pid and $DAEMON on stop_daemon() so it actually stops
(closes: #602199).
* Reduce the wait when just stopping (closes: #602200).
* Change priority to extra.
* Add ldflags.patch to add support for LDFLAGS in Makefile.in
(stolen from Git 58ec209478f50b2048cf). [ Philipp Kern ]
* Current state taken from the VCS and uploaded as a LowThresholdNmu. - 3. By Jordi Mallach
* New upstream release.
* Use my debian.org address all over the packaging files.
* Drop our manpage, which was accepted upstream.
* Remove obsolete comment about lack of formal fcgiwrap releases and
versioning of git snapshots.
* Add a call to `autoreconf -i` on build.
* Add automake to Build-Depends, and wrap them.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed).
* Add manpage_minus_escaping. patch to fix a pair of unescaped minus
signs in the manpage. - 2. By Jordi Mallach
* New upstream release.
* Rename source and binary, as agreed with upstream.
* Minor cosmetic fix to the init script start message.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
* Move to dh7.
* Switch to Source format 3.0 (quilt).
* Build-Depend on autoconf.
* Make the init script depend on $remote_fs (lintian).
* Move to collab-maint SVN; add appropriate Vcs headers.
* Initial upload to Debian (closes: #544702).
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)