
Created by Jackson Doak and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfdesktop4/4.11.3
Only Jackson Doak can upload to this branch. If you are Jackson Doak please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Jackson Doak

Recent revisions

95. By Jackson Doak

* Merge from debian. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the
    user background property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.
* New upstream development release.

94. By Jackson Doak

* Merge from debian. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the
    user background property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.
* Improve existing xubuntu patches

93. By Jackson Doak

* Merged from debian unreleased SVN. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the
    user background property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.
* Drop debian/patches/xubuntu_fix-duplicate-volumes.patch, no longer needed

92. By Jackson Doak

* Merged from debian. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_fix-duplicate-volumes.patch: fix duplicate
    volumes appearing randomly on the desktop.
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the
    user background property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.
  - debian/control: recommends tumbler for thumbnailing support

91. By Lionel Le Folgoc

New upstream bugfix release.

90. By Logan Rosen

* Merge from Debian experimental. Remaining changes:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_fix-duplicate-volumes.patch: fix duplicate
    volumes appearing randomly on the desktop.
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the
    user background property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.

89. By Lionel Le Folgoc

New upstream release.

88. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches:
  - xubuntu_set-accountsservice-user-bg.patch: update the user background
    property of Accountsservice on backdrop change.

87. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* debian/patches:
  - xubuntu_fix-duplicate-volumes.patch: fix duplicate volumes appearing
    randomly on the desktop. lp: #1072137

86. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian experimental, remaining Ubuntu change:
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_improve-nautilus-interactions.patch: added,
    should prevent nautilus from taking over the desktop if xfdesktop is
    running (and vice-versa).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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