
Created by Jackson Doak and last modified
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Jackson Doak

Recent revisions

79. By Jackson Doak

Add xflock4-light-locker-support.patch. LP: #1254366

78. By Mario Limonciello

Add mythbuntu to the list of xsessions to be potentially ran by upstart.

77. By Jackson Doak

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/patches:
    + xubuntu_ignore-gdm-lang.patch: do not set $LANG to $GDM_LANG, there's
      already an xsession script to do that, and $GDM_LANG might not contain
      a valid locale code.
    + xubuntu_set-xdg-current-desktop.patch: added. Taken from xfce4-utils,
      export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE, can be useful with alacarte and
    + debian/patches/xubuntu_runtime-logind-support.patch:
      Check for logind support at runtime
  - debian/rules:
    + call xdt-autogen after patching
    + clean up autogenerated files modified by xdt-autogen.
  - debian/control:
    + add build-dep on libpolkit-gobject-1-dev (>= 0.100).
    + add build-dep on xfce4-dev-tools and libtool in order to run xdt-autogen
      after patching.
    + don't recommend consolekit anymore.

76. By Iain Lane

releasing package xfce4-session version 4.10.1-3ubuntu1

75. By Jackson Doak

Fix configure override

74. By Jackson Doak

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
    - debian/patches:
      + xubuntu_ignore-gdm-lang.patch: do not set $LANG to $GDM_LANG, there's
        already an xsession script to do that, and $GDM_LANG might not contain
        a valid locale code.
      + xubuntu_set-xdg-current-desktop.patch: added. Taken from xfce4-utils,
        export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE, can be useful with alacarte and
      + debian/patches/xubuntu_runtime-logind-support.patch:
        Check for logind support at runtime
    - debian/rules:
      + call xdt-autogen after patching
      + clean up autogenerated files modified by xdt-autogen.
    - debian/control:
      + add build-dep on libpolkit-gobject-1-dev (>= 0.100).
      + add build-dep on xfce4-dev-tools and libtool in order to run xdt-autogen
        after patching.
      + don't recommend consolekit anymore.

73. By Lionel Le Folgoc

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - debian/patches:
    + xubuntu_ignore-gdm-lang.patch: do not set $LANG to $GDM_LANG, there's
      already an xsession script to do that, and $GDM_LANG might not contain
      a valid locale code.
    + xubuntu_set-xdg-current-desktop.patch: added. Taken from xfce4-utils,
      export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE, can be useful with alacarte and
      gnome-menus. lp #927172

* debian/patches:
  - xfsm-startup-random-crash.patch: dropped, included in 4.10.1.
  - xubuntu_ignore-gdm-lang.patch: updated to apply cleanly.

* Check for logind support at runtime (lp: #1178373):
  - debian/patches/xubuntu_runtime-logind-support.patch: added.
  - debian/rules:
    + call xdt-autogen after patching
    + clean up autogenerated files modified by xdt-autogen.
  - debian/control:
    + add build-dep on libpolkit-gobject-1-dev (>= 0.100).
    + add build-dep on xfce4-dev-tools and libtool in order to run xdt-autogen
      after patching.
    + don't recommend consolekit anymore.

72. By Stéphane Graber

Update startxfce4 job to also start for ubuntu-studio.

71. By Stéphane Graber

Add startxfce4 upstart user job to xfce4-session.

70. By Ricardo F. Teixeira

debian/patches/xfsm-startup-random-crash.patch: added. Fix random crashes. lp: #1104435

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