
Created by Jackson Doak and last modified
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Jackson Doak
GNOME System tools

Recent revisions

71. By Jackson Doak

Change to oldlibs and extra

70. By Jackson Doak

* Merge from Debian, remaining changes:
  - Drop gnome-control-center to Suggests
  - 25_sambashare_group_definition.patch
  - 26_user_profiles_conf.patch
  - 80_gst-packages-common.patch
  - 81_gst-packages-shares-admin.patch
  - 82_gst-packages-time-admin.patch
  - 91_shares_services_detection.patch
  - 95_timezone_point_selection.patch
  - 96_ubuntu_ntp_pool.patch
  - fix-missing-header-ftbfs-amd64.patch
  - remove_g_thread_init.patch
 * Drop underlinking.patch, fixed in debian
 * No longer split out gnome-time-admin, gnome-network-admin. Not needed
   - Make transition packages for their removal, delete after trusty

69. By Martin Pitt

d/p/underlinking.patch: add missing -lm to time-admin link to fix FTBFS.

68. By Michael Terry

* Merge from Debian, remaining changes:
  - Split out gnome-network-admin
  - Split out gnome-time-admin
  - Drop gnome-control-center to Suggests
  - 25_sambashare_group_definition.patch
  - 26_user_profiles_conf.patch
  - 80_gst-packages-common.patch
  - 81_gst-packages-shares-admin.patch
  - 82_gst-packages-time-admin.patch
  - 91_shares_services_detection.patch
  - 95_timezone_point_selection.patch
  - 96_ubuntu_ntp_pool.patch
  - fix-missing-header-ftbfs-amd64.patch
* debian/patches/80_gst-packages-common.patch,
  - Update for GTK+ 3
* debian/patches/92_fix_add_needed_linking.patch,
  - Dropped, applied upstream
* debian/patches/remove_g_thread_init.patch:
  - Remove obsolete and dropped API g_thread_init()
* debian/patches/62_no_gettext.patch:
  - Updated. Fix GETTEXT_PACKAGE variable substitution so the translations
    are installed under the correct name. Closes: #647511
* New upstream release. Closes: #642978
* debian/watch:
  - Track .bz2 tarballs.
* debian/control.in:
  - Bump Build-Depends on liboobs-1-dev to (>= 2.91.1).
  - Bump Build-Depends on libglib2.0-dev to (>= 2.25.3).
  - Bump Build-Depends on system-tools-backends-dev to (>= 2.10.1).
  - Replace Build-Depends on libgtk2.0-dev with libgtk-3-dev (>= 2.91).
  - Replace Build-Depends on libpolkit-gtk-1-dev with
    libpolkit-gobject-1-dev (>= 0.97).
  - Drop Build-Depends on libgconf2-dev.
  - Add Vcs-* fields.
  - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2. No further changes.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
* Use dh-autoreconf to update the build system:
  - Add Build-Depends on dh-autoreconf.
  - Drop debian/patches/90_relibtoolize.patch.
  - Add autoreconf.mk include to debian/rules.
* debian/patches/62_no_gettext.patch:
  - Don't use both intltool and gettext since newer versions of intltool
    conflict with gettext.
* Refresh patches.
* debian/control.in:
  - Remove cracklib2-dev from Build-Depends, it's not used since 2003.
    Closes: #598172.

67. By Daniel T Chen

Add fix-missing-header-ftbfs-amd64.patch to resolve a missing
header that caused a FTBFS on amd64/ia64. (LP: #766040)

66. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 2.32.0-0ubuntu7

65. By Martin Pitt

Fix setting password from random entry, patch taken from upstream
(LP: #742598)

64. By Michael Terry

Split time-admin into its own package, gnome-time-admin, so we can
include it in certain flavors but not others. LP: 732757

63. By Martin Pitt

releasing version 2.32.0-0ubuntu5

62. By Martin Pitt

Add 96_ubuntu_ntp_pool.patch: Offer Ubuntu specific NTP servers;
pool.ntp.org offers geolocation and automatic QA. Thanks Xavier Robin for
coordinating the setup of the Ubuntu ntp.org pool and preparing the patch!
(LP: #104525)

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