Merge lp://staging/~nik90/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-slider-bubble-width into lp://staging/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging

Proposed by Nekhelesh Ramananthan
Status: Merged
Approved by: Tim Peeters
Approved revision: 1457
Merged at revision: 1455
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~nik90/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-slider-bubble-width
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/staging
Diff against target: 50 lines (+29/-1)
2 files modified
examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/Sliders.qml (+25/-0)
modules/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/SliderStyle.qml (+4/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~nik90/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-slider-bubble-width
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
PS Jenkins bot continuous-integration Approve
Tim Peeters Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Fixes the slider bubble width to be dynamic and dependent on the label width.

Description of the change

This MP fixes the slider bubble width to be dynamic and dependent on the label width instead of being static. This would allow the slider bubble to show values like "medium", "slow" etc without it exceeding the bubble width as shown in

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1456. By Nekhelesh Ramananthan

Added two properties

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Roman Shchekin (mrqtros) wrote :

I think that you should do them private via "__" (double underscore) or internal QtObject. Or you internationally want to show these two new properties to user?

Revision history for this message
Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote :

That was my initial thought, but on looking at the other properties in SliderStyle.qml and also at ButtonStyle.qml for reference, they all were not private.

Revision history for this message
Tim Peeters (tpeeters) wrote :

bubbleShape is an internal Item for the style, so the added properties are not public. I think it is good like this.

Perhaps you can add a little example of a slider with a larger bubble width in examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/Sliders.qml ?

1457. By Nekhelesh Ramananthan

Added a example of a slider with bubble showing lables

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Tim Peeters (tpeeters) wrote :

It works well, thanks.

Approving. I will happrove it when we finish our final landings from staging to vivid.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)

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