
Created by Luis Alejandro Rangel Sánchez and last modified
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Recent revisions

21. By Luis Alejandro Rangel Sánchez <xlarsx@lmac>

+ Agregados prototipos visuales

20. By Luis Alejandro Rangel Sánchez <xlarsx@lmac>

Agregado Cascaras nuevas

19. By Luis Alejandro Rangel Sánchez <xlarsx@lmac>

Agregado comportamiento grafico

18. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

+ Panel de solo lectura en UiBinder

17. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

+ Panel de Edición de Personas delegado a UiBinder

16. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

+ Lista de Personas convertido en UiBinder

15. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

+ Se renombra correctamente vista

14. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

+ Se usa UIBinder para substituir clase DetalleDelegado

13. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

Agregado comportamiento de buscada bajo un KeyPress en le buscador

12. By jesus.cagide <email address hidden>

Agregado comportamiento edicion y borrado

-agregar diseño
-agregar efectos especiales

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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