
Created by Matthew Nuzum and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~newz/charms/precise/varnish/fix-lxc-deployment
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Branch information

Matthew Nuzum

Recent revisions

9. By Matthew Nuzum

Updating service name for varnish config to use service name but with / removed. For example graphite/0 becomes graphite0. This seems to work quite well and requires less munging than using an IP.

8. By Matthew Nuzum

Updating varnish to make it compatible with local/VLC instances

7. By Nathan Williams

fixing revision

6. By Nathan Williams

more detailed README

5. By Nathan Williams

  * hooks/website-relation-changed: publicize hostname
  * hooks/reverseproxy-relation-changed: use hostname instead of ip
  * hooks/reverseproxy-relation-departed: linked to relation-changed
  * hooks/install: moved config settings to config-changed
  * hooks/upgrade-charm: fix typo

4. By Nathan Williams

metadata.yaml: add maintainer

3. By Nathan Williams

moving extra.vcl data file out of hooks dir

2. By Nathan Williams

Add more detail to README

1. By Nathan Williams

Initial charm

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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