
Created by Alexander Sack and last modified

stable jaunty packaging branch

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~network-manager/network-manager-applet/ubuntu.0.7.1.jaunty
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Branch information

Network Manager Applet

Recent revisions

42. By Alexander Sack

* RELEASE 0.7.1~rc4.1-0ubuntu2 to ubuntu/jaunty

41. By Alexander Sack

* fix LP: #358526 - Notification shows wrong WiFi disconnected icon when
  resuming from suspend; we use the proper generic disconnected icon
  if we don't know which device type caused the "offline" event.
  - add patches/lp358526_generic_disconnected_notification_icon.patch
  - update patches/series

40. By Alexander Sack

* point Vcs-Bzr header to proper branch
  - update control

39. By Alexander Sack

* RE-RELEASE with new upstream tarball (previously was busted) as 0.7.1~rc4.1-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/jaunty

38. By Alexander Sack

* RELEASE 0.7.1~rc4-0ubuntu1 to ubuntu/jaunty

37. By Alexander Sack

* eliminate string changes from a few notification patches
  - update patches/lp330571_dxteam_wired_connect_text.patch
  - update patches/lp330608_dxteam_gsm_connect_text.patch
  and adjust follow up patches
  - update patches/lp337960_dxteam_notification_icon_names.diff

36. By Alexander Sack

  + fix build failure with our gcc introduced upstream (string format issue)
    - add patches/fix_upstream_buildfailure.patch
    - update patches/series

35. By Alexander Sack

+ drop upstreamed patches
  - delete patches/lp331799_sensible_notify_actions.patch
  - update patches/series
+ adjust diverged patches to new upstream codebase
  - update patches/add_libmbca_support.patch
  - update patches/lp341684_device_sensitive_disconnect_notify.patch

34. By Alexander Sack

* New upstream release 0.7.1 rc4
  + svn-v3-trunk0:9c6bbc85-7128-0410-879a-9bbc9e4270e9:branches%2FNETWORKMANAGER_APPLET_0_7:1254

33. By Alexander Sack

* fix LP: #354420 - offline notification should have NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL;
  normal disconnect notifications get NOTIFY_URGENCY_NORMAL
  - update patches/lp341684_device_sensitive_disconnect_notify.patch

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 with rich root (needs bzr 1.0)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
