
Created by Neal McBurnett and last modified
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Neal McBurnett

Recent revisions

70. By Neal McBurnett

2010-11-10 <email address hidden>
 * Add Kaplan-Markov tabulation data report at /kmreports/<contest>/
 * Add km_report view and kmreport.html to generate it
 * Add km_select_units to select audit units for Kaplan-Markov
 * Add Kaplan-Markov selection report at /kmselections/<contest>/
 * Add km_selection_report and kmselectionreport.html to generate it
 * Add parse_boulder_csv to parse Boulder-style audit data and testdata/test-boulder.csv
 * Add tests: TestBoulderCsv for parse_boulder_csv and TestSWDB_Csv_KM for Kaplan-Markov
 * Add "margin_offset" to Contest model to allow adjusting for untabulated ballots
 * Add "replace" and "prng" options to erandom.weightedsample() and speed it up
 * Add another way to combine audit units for privacy: Batch.merge() and ContestBatch.merge()
 * Add simple worst-case ContestBatch.taintfactor() calculation method
 * Automatically recognize different kinds of csv in parser by peeking at header line
 * Fix parsing bug: use get_or_create in au.save() to avoid error when ballot counts differ
    in batch get_or_create: sqlite3.IntegrityError: columns name, election_id, type are not unique
 * Add timestamps to parser output
 * Add crude util.input_sub_tallies() function to enter sub-batch tallies and add them up by columns.
 * Update notes in ToDo

69. By Neal McBurnett

2010-10-28 <email address hidden>
 * Add strict error bounds calculations. Contest.U, ContestBatch.u
 * Add Margin model to store margins between winners and losers
 * Add number of winners for each contest: Contest.numWinners
 * Fix table borders in templates - caught by Chrome browser
 * remove direct swdb import support - dependency on problematic dbfpy.dfb module.

68. By Neal McBurnett

Beginning work on version 1.0, which will include support for rigorous risk-limiting audits
 and dealing with discrepancies via Kaplan-Markov.
Included here are version 1.0 in setup.py, a few more packaging notes, and updates to MANIFEST.in.

67. By Neal McBurnett

work on packaging: update notes, add MANIFEST.in

66. By Neal McBurnett

 * Add preliminary support for exporting vote count data in Election Markup Language (EML) 510 format
 * Add support for importing Hart and Sequoia CSV files
 * Work on importing from California's StateWide DataBase (http://swdb.berkeley.edu/)
 * Support for ballot counts in AuditUnit object
 * Fix bug - invalid cached statistics used if proportion changed
 * Update ToDo and README
 * Provide untested install.bat file for installing under windows
 * Add copyrights to LICENSE
 * Highlight selected contests in yellow
 * Use "th" tag for headings in audit reports
 * TestT0: more robust selection of contest and contestbatch to test
 * Comment out some columns in reports
 * Note that for code changes committed, most recent is 2009-11-23, except for some testing code and comments
 * Drop unused -v (--verbose) option in parser.py: conflicts with --verbosity in Django 1.1 (r9110)

65. By Neal McBurnett <http://mcburnett.org/neal/>

Style the eml510.xml with a new style sheet - ea510_style.xsl - which
generates nearly-valid HTML 4.01
Theis Django template and style sheet are both based on very helpful
contributions by David Webber, in turn based on the California Secretary
of State's Data-Feed for the media. See http://www.sos.ca.gov/media/ and
XML_Developer_Files_20Dec2007.zip. Thanks to all who helped!

64. By Neal McBurnett <http://mcburnett.org/neal/>

Add eml510.xml template that validates with view code (not yet committed)

63. By Neal McBurnett <http://mcburnett.org/neal/>

Add parse_swdb: parse a dbf file from the California State-wide Database (swdb):
via swdb.py file and change to parsers.py.

62. By Neal McBurnett <http://mcburnett.org/neal/>

Electionaudits talk, as given to front range python users group, 2009-01-21

61. By Neal McBurnett <http://mcburnett.org/neal/>

Update home page, including link to sample csv file from San Mateo.

Branch metadata

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