Merge lp://staging/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.12 into lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client

Proposed by Natalia Bidart
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 27
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.12
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client
Diff against target: 6817 lines (+3866/-2670)
35 files modified
PKG-INFO (+1/-1)
debian/changelog (+19/-0)
run-tests (+1/-1)
run-tests.bat (+64/-0) (+4/-2)
ubuntu_sso/ (+7/-4)
ubuntu_sso/gtk/ (+8/-10)
ubuntu_sso/gtk/tests/ (+1/-6)
ubuntu_sso/ (+0/-188)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/ (+90/-0)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/ (+141/-0)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/tests/ (+17/-0)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/tests/ (+259/-0)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/tests/ (+62/-0)
ubuntu_sso/keyring/ (+60/-0)
ubuntu_sso/ (+0/-604)
ubuntu_sso/main/ (+375/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/ (+486/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/tests/ (+17/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/tests/ (+245/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/tests/ (+1306/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/tests/ (+17/-0)
ubuntu_sso/main/ (+17/-0)
ubuntu_sso/ (+0/-108)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/ (+40/-0)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/ (+108/-0)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/tests/ (+17/-0)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/tests/ (+181/-0)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/tests/ (+119/-0)
ubuntu_sso/networkstate/ (+199/-0)
ubuntu_sso/tests/bin/show_nm_state (+1/-1)
ubuntu_sso/tests/ (+4/-2)
ubuntu_sso/tests/ (+0/-258)
ubuntu_sso/tests/ (+0/-1304)
ubuntu_sso/tests/ (+0/-181)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.12
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Sponsors Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

  * New upstream release:
    [ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
      - Tests for a particular package are now inside that package.
      - Register now uses the 'displayname' field to pass it on to SSO as
        display name (LP: #709494).
    [ Manuel de la Pena <email address hidden> ]
      - Fix main issues.
      - First step of implementing the code in main on windows.
      - Fixed issues so that we can build .debs (LP: #735383).
      - Added the network status implementation for windows (LP: #727680).
      - Added an implementation of the keyring on windows (LP: #684967).
      - Added script to run tests on windows using u1trial (LP: #684988).
      - Added bat to run tests on windows (LP: #684988).

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