Merge lp://staging/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-reminders into lp://staging/reminders-app

Proposed by Michael Zanetti
Status: Merged
Approved by: Michael Zanetti
Approved revision: 19
Merged at revision: 17
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-reminders
Merge into: lp://staging/reminders-app
Prerequisite: lp://staging/~mzanetti/reminders-app/get-username
Diff against target: 952 lines (+375/-195)
13 files modified
src/app/qml/ui/NotesPage.qml (+2/-3)
src/app/qml/ui/RemindersPage.qml (+9/-10)
src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/evernotejob.cpp (+1/-1)
src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/fetchnotesjob.cpp (+13/-3)
src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/savenotejob.cpp (+22/-13)
src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/savenotejob.h (+2/-6)
src/plugin/Evernote/note.cpp (+90/-10)
src/plugin/Evernote/note.h (+44/-4)
src/plugin/Evernote/notebooks.cpp (+0/-1)
src/plugin/Evernote/notes.cpp (+38/-80)
src/plugin/Evernote/notes.h (+11/-24)
src/plugin/Evernote/notesstore.cpp (+116/-31)
src/plugin/Evernote/notesstore.h (+27/-9)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~mzanetti/reminders-app/add-reminders
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot continuous-integration Approve
Jordan Keyes Approve
Review via email:

Commit message

Add support for reminders

Description of the change

This adds support for reminders.

Also moves the QAbstractListModel logic into notesstore, so that Notes is just a stupid QSortFilterProxyModel. This additionally has the benefit that we can easily filter for notebookGuid or the reminder flag (and in the future for tags) and sort the model according to the note creation timestamp (or whatever we need in the future).

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17. By Michael Zanetti

fix savenotejob to also store reminder stuff

18. By Michael Zanetti

delete note clone after savejob is done

Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot (ubuntu-phone-apps-jenkins-bot) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot (ubuntu-phone-apps-jenkins-bot) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Jordan Keyes (jkeyes0) wrote :

Maybe this is by design, but when you select a note from the Notes tab, then click the "Save" button (or make a change to the text and click "Save"), it adds a reminder to the note. I haven't noticed this behavior from other Evernote clients.
It appears this was added in src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/savenotejob.cpp, in void SaveNoteJob::startJob(), but my C++ is definitely a bit rusty.

Is this something that will need to be pulled out and put into a separate job for when a new reminder is created?

Revision history for this message
Michael Zanetti (mzanetti) wrote :

> Maybe this is by design, but when you select a note from the Notes tab, then
> click the "Save" button (or make a change to the text and click "Save"), it
> adds a reminder to the note. I haven't noticed this behavior from other
> Evernote clients.

No, this is a bug in my code. Thanks for finding!

> It appears this was added in src/plugin/Evernote/jobs/savenotejob.cpp, in void
> SaveNoteJob::startJob(), but my C++ is definitely a bit rusty.
> Is this something that will need to be pulled out and put into a separate job
> for when a new reminder is created?

Not really no, we just need initialize it with some sane defaults... I'll fix tonight.

Btw. feel free to put "Needs fixing" on my merges. If really unsure, mark it as "Needs information". I'm thankful for every found issue. After all that's what those merge requests are for.

19. By Michael Zanetti

fix reminder flag when saving notes

Revision history for this message
Michael Zanetti (mzanetti) wrote :

> Maybe this is by design, but when you select a note from the Notes tab, then
> click the "Save" button (or make a change to the text and click "Save"), it
> adds a reminder to the note. I haven't noticed this behavior from other
> Evernote clients.


Revision history for this message
Jordan Keyes (jkeyes0) wrote :

Looks good here.

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Phone Apps Jenkins Bot (ubuntu-phone-apps-jenkins-bot) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)

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